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Moving pets between banks

Aug 03, 2015
Hello there! I would like to propose that moving pets between banks should not cost all of our energy. To me, it makes no sense as to why all of our energy gets used up just by moving pets between banks. When gardening and pet training, energy is hard enough to come by without being able to afford energy elixirs, so it feels like a kick in the head when we lose all our energy just by moving a pet from the shared bank to our backpack.

Nov 22, 2008
Hello! I can see why you might think it's a good idea to remove this limit. It can be discouraging to have this happen. There is a reason why they warn you before you remove a pet from the shared bank.

A large part of it is because they want a wizard to be incentivized to breed a pet on each character rather than transfer a pet between characters.

In addition, moving a pet between wizards could be a good way to train it, as long as it isn't school locked. In this case, they may have decided that doing so is an exploit and this is the consequence.

Personally, I don't see a problem with the current system, but that may just be because I use all my energy very quickly. Use it or lose it, after all!

I'd love to know the official reason as to why the punishment exists, but it was added when pet energy and training was, so I'm doubtful they will remove it anytime soon.