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More Pets/Hybrid Ideas! cont.

Dec 25, 2013
This is a extension of my last post that had some pet ideas, so I won't make the intro long. For a refresher this is not just for normal pets, but also hybrids. Itemcards and Idle animations will be mentioned but it's not the point; the pets are!

--Ninja Hoof- Based off the enemies in Kembaalung Village, these Death pets could be a hybrid using Goat Monk+Ninja Pig
- This pet could give the "Monk of Mourning" as a itemcard

--White Spiderling- Based off the tiny spiders that would be around Morganthe, these things are way too cute to pass up
-This pet could come with a "Poison" and "Tingling Poision" itemcard

--Baleful Scorpian- Based off the Baleful Empress, this would be another pet to add to the scorpion collection! It'd be a little late to the party, but waiting for it's design would be worth the wait.
- Like the counterparts, this pet could have Stormspear as a card

--Frosty Minotaur- All these beautiful Minotaur pets in game but none know the coldness of the Winter? The Frosty Minotaur would be based off the "Frost Minotaur" Spell. Could be a hybrid using the Hall Minotaur perhaps?
-The card could be a single copy of Frost Minotaur, anymore then 1 and those PvP wizards might have a problem!

--Thyme Buyer- This could be a stretch but it's a fun little idea. This pet would be a Stopwatch that floats around your character, but as you'd expect, it's made out of food! The hands on the watch could be little green beans or carrots, etc. I don't want to take all the room explaining how this could be done, that's what the wonderful artist are for, let those ideas fly
- The spells for this card could be Freeze, Disjunction, and Detonate. (Daybreaker and Nightbringer could also work, but I'm guessing those spells are meant to be special)

--Dine o' saur- This pet is a dino that is very fancy, with a monocle and a top hat, this pet is always ready to feast.
-As a idle animation, the dino will grab a table and throw it onto the ground, a Tablecloth will float ontop with plates and food coming down. Pulling out a chair the dino will enjoy a bite to eat, then pack everything back up!

--Funky Cyclops- Don't get this mixed up with the Punkclops hybrids I talked about last time. This pet has some moves! (and hair) This pet is a cylops that has a Disco outfit, some shades, and you can't forget about his afro
-As an idle animation a disco ball comes over the cyclops and spins, the pet does a stereotypical Disco dance.
-This pet would most likely have the Punkclops/Rockclops cards as well.

--Rat Thief- With the all the Marleybone pets we have, I'm surprised these guys haven't made it yet!
-Idle can have the rat finding a wallet/purse on the ground, and he excitedly looks in it, but when opening it and rummaging through finding nothing, he throws it behind him.

This was a bit shorter then my last one, but I still wanted to get these out there, seeing even one of these make it would be amazing. if you read this far I appreciate you reading through, give my last pet post a look too if you haven't!