I absolutely adore the new lip colors in the magic mirror shop! It's like a dream come true! Yet I really miss the lip color my wizard used to have which was sort a warm lilac mauve that came with the older face models. I would love to choose it again, as the current purple is just a wee bit dark for my liking. Please give us light and dark options like we have for clothes- a dark pink in addition to the lovely one we have, same for the blues, greens, silver and gold, and a lighter purple like the one in the older model. But please don't make it any lighter or else my brown skin tone wizards can't wear it
I would love to have the ability to trade reagents with friends! Trying to get them from friends through the bazaar is risky as someone could buy them before the intended person. Kingsisle please consider this it would be so much easier. A lot of my friends agree this would be an amazing thing to do. To trade reagents like we do treasure cards would be amazing! Please consider this an option. I’m a level 130 fire wizard and cannot get past Azteca crafting because I cannot get reagents.