The Moon School, one of three astral schools released in 2010 when Celestia was opened, is the most disliked and under-performing of all eleven schools currently in the game. It needs fixing.
The Problem The Moon School was originally designed to help fill in roles in duels in the cases where you may be lacking damage or healing. While it retains that capability, the forms you take leave you in a much more vulnerable state than you would be if you did not polymorph. It is often much easier and efficient to simply increase your team's damage output, primarily through treasure cards if you're something like a death wizard trying to buff a storm. By choosing to take on a polymorph form to perhaps fill in a healing role, you increase your chances of being defeated in combat due to your stats being completely changed to that of the form, often for the worst. By the time you obtain the final three polymorphs in Azteca, your base wizard will most likely have more health than all polymorphs, more useful resistance (i.e., not only resistant to a single school), more damage, more critical, and more critical block than any chosen form.
The second biggest issue, is the scaling on these spells. It is absolutely atrocious. Not only do the stats of these forms not get particularly better as you train through the spell list, their spell lists start to become lacking too.You train these spells from level 50-58, and at level 88 in Azteca. With the current leveling, the former is supposed to perform from level 50 to 79 (three worlds: Celestia, Zafaria, Avalon), and the latter performing from 88 to at least 100 (Two worlds: mid-Azteca, and Khrysalis). However, the reality is that they dont perform at those brackets. The forms you learn in Celestia fall off midwaty into Zafaria, and are mostly useless in Avalon. The Aztecan polymorphs fall off in Khrysalis because of shadow magic and the general difficulty curve of the world.
With those major issues, polymorphs are a waste of training points, except for obtaining a badge, in which case you will probably buy back those points anyways.
My Proposed Solution So, what can be done to fix it? I suggest making them more dynamic with these points:
- Scaling: Make them scale. Consider the rank labeling on enemies; as you level and progress through worlds, enemy ranks go higher. Why not apply this concept to polymorphs? As you go through level brackets, let's say every 5 levels for example, your polymorphs get stronger. The stats will be better as you increase in level, you'll see new cards in the form's deck, maybe even see shadow pips and shadow spells when you polymorph with an Aztecan polymorph at level 100 (Which is fine since Polymorph TC are No-PvP anyways).
- Audit and Improve Stats: The stats need another look at. I understand you are technically transforming into a creature, however, the polymorphs need at least the resist or health to sustain more than a few turns before being defeated. As they are right now, you might find yourself struggling to stay alive compared to your not-polymorphed wizard allies since you're locked in for 6 turns, which brings me to my final point...
- ManuallyExit Polymorph: Give them a card with a 100% chance to pull to exit polymorph. Unlike auras, shadow forms, or shadow creatures, polymorphs lock you into another set of stats instead of building on top of your base wizard's stats. In their current state, you cant polymorph safely at high level until you have enough pips to perform, you're in good health, and the enemy's pips are depleted. With an exit card, you can be a bit more bolder with polymorphs knowing you can exit early if you need to.
I definitely agree with this. The only Polymorph I used for soloing was Gobbler and that was if I had to beat a really difficult boss and I had little health. Other than that, I never touched any of the other moon spells until the Eclipse Tower ones. The health is so low on the ones in Celestia.
Polymorph has definitely been a problem for a LONG while. KI also should look at changing up the Polymorph decks according to level as well. No amount of stats make up for fighting Morganthe with a Kraken
Oh hey, I didn't see this. I actually just submitted a thread talking about Moon - what is was intended for, how it failed, low life-span of the school, and how to fix it. Support!