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New Spell suggestion: Fuse Blades

Nov 27, 2013
this suggestion is to create a new spell, call it something like Fuse Blades.

How it works:
It works on Spirit Blades or Elemental Blades, and allows the wizard who has a set of these blades equipped to choose two of them, and combine them into a new blade of the third type.

So for example a Storm Wiz with an elemental blade would choose to combine the ice and fire blades, and the resulting blade would be a new storm blade that would stack with the remaining storm blade.

Maybe it would be a shadow spell and cost one shadow pip.

Dec 31, 2014
Well thought out spell and would be extremely useful, however I don't think it would be practical to choose the new blade type. Something like the storm wizard selecting the fire and ice blade which fuses them into a 30% balance blade perhaps. Just seems like it would take to much time to have to select what school the blade turns in to since you only have 30 seconds.