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Upcoming test realm notes

Feb 06, 2010
Hey Sparck,

I was just wondering if you could have all the “Misc bug fixes” for the summer test realm notes written the same way you have this page written (Click Here) Please provide as much explanation as you can, we players like to see every tweak down to the nook and cranny, and I know Dworgyn (Tom) was pretty good about that.


Blaze03554 on Jun 19, 2020 wrote:
Hey Sparck,

I was just wondering if you could have all the “Misc bug fixes” for the summer test realm notes written the same way you have this page written (Click Here) Please provide as much explanation as you can, we players like to see every tweak down to the nook and cranny, and I know Dworgyn (Tom) was pretty good about that.

Yep! This is how we want to keep doing it for sure. It'll be as accurate as possible, though any community help here will be great as well.

Jan 11, 2012
I would add, for transparency, if you change anything with maycast, drop rates, etc, you please let us know. The W101 community, as you have read over time, has had a belief that things are being nerfed without our knowledge. I would rather hear it from you, the game developers, than to have the community assume, and not hear any official word from the developer. Let's be honest, when you tell us AFTER we make the posts, we tend not to believe you. If we know BEFORE hand something is changing, we can give feedback and MAYBE will get listened to.

That is one of the things that has driven people away I feel; the lack of transparency. If things, important things, like this are changed, let us know. Do not hide it. We may not like hearing something has been lowered, and I can only speak for myself here, but I respect anybody who can say, "yes, we changed X, and here's why" (homophonetic joke intended). I'm not asking to know the change, because we will never know that, but please, for your community, for our sanity, and for your bottom line, if you make a change to the RNG, be forthcoming about it. We all know there have been posts talking about "since X update, Y doesn't happen as much, they must have changes the RNG". I would also ask that BEFORE you change the RNG against us, perhaps post about it. We are a very vocal community and we have told you what we want/like. You'd be surprised what consultation can do if we're listened to.

This post is not aimed at YOU Spark, and I'm sure you know that. Your player base is just tired of things being changed without an official statement about what was changed and why.