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Player configured castle magic cards

Mar 30, 2014
Those of us who use a lot of castle magic keep asking for more options. Can we have faster moves? Can we have smaller moves? Those will be great to have, but that will also lead to more and more different castle magic card, and yet each specific addition may not meet our needs. So I'd like to suggest player configured castle magic cards. For example, a Configured Move card would be Move in direction (N, NE, E, SE, S, Up, Down, etc) which the player sets, number of units which the player also selects or ideally can input any number. This could be expanded to include speed of movement if we ever get different movement speeds. With just one card we would have a more versatile system, and not an overwhelming number of cards at the vendor. Would love to also have a Configured Teleport object (direction, number of units) card.