Unique cast animation for a dragonspyre boss is never used again?
While playing in dragonspyre tonight, I went up against ivan soulsinger, a wizard with the same model as the player in the flamewind tower, the drake hatchery. What really interested me was his cast animation. I think it's 100% unique! I've never seen it anywhere else in the game, and I have an embarrassing amount of playtime.
Devs, is it possible you can look at making this into the casting animation for sword-type wands instead of the standard wand cast used across all small one-hands like the starter ones? It feels so much more natural!
Re: Unique cast animation for a dragonspyre boss is never used again?
serene sparks on Feb 18, 2021 wrote:
While playing in dragonspyre tonight, I went up against ivan soulsinger, a wizard with the same model as the player in the flamewind tower, the drake hatchery. What really interested me was his cast animation. I think it's 100% unique! I've never seen it anywhere else in the game, and I have an embarrassing amount of playtime.
Devs, is it possible you can look at making this into the casting animation for sword-type wands instead of the standard wand cast used across all small one-hands like the starter ones? It feels so much more natural!
Re: Unique cast animation for a dragonspyre boss is never used again?
The various "Brandon" minions use this casting animation as well with their Dragonclaw Blade. I agree that it would be a cool addition give to player characters wielding swords.