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Age Verification

Dec 31, 2012
So probably like most people on Wizard101 we started as a kid. As a kid you do some questionable things at random. Now, when I was a kid I was so dumb I didn't even know when I was born. So far I haven't found a way to check my set age and was wondering if there even is a way. I definitely want my open chat for this account and I'm just afraid that I turned 7 years old today.

Oct 16, 2014
Zimsan113 on Oct 21, 2020 wrote:
So probably like most people on Wizard101 we started as a kid. As a kid you do some questionable things at random. Now, when I was a kid I was so dumb I didn't even know when I was born. So far I haven't found a way to check my set age and was wondering if there even is a way. I definitely want my open chat for this account and I'm just afraid that I turned 7 years old today.
KI doesn't store information of those under the age of 13 (legal reasons), so you cannot change the chat options as the game still thinks you are under 13. This is what happened to my account from 2008 (says 2011 for some reason though).

I do have my loopholes, but its better if you contact KI Support about this.