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Housing bug: Advance move rotated angle values are being lost

Mar 30, 2014
When using advance move on objects, if we have also adjusted the angle, the angle changes back. For instance the castle blocks I'm working with seem to snap to the nearest 45 degrees again if I do any advance move on them. This isn't a new issue, but would be nice if we can get a fix.

I'm also having a problem where I just cannot get an angle to stay even without having moved the item. I have a customizeable gravestone sign at 113 degrees to be exactly parallel to the wall it's on, it looks perfect, but every time I return to my house it's sitting at 112 degrees again. I'm not moving it and there is not even any castle magic applied to it, just the angle value that I set is somehow not being saved properly. I know one degree sounds small but it's actually very noticeable.


Feb 17, 2009
I've been experiencing this too!! It's very frustrating having to readjust the advanced rotation on a whole bunch of furniture items every time I visit any of my houses, please fix it soon!!!