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Miscellaneous Spell Suggestions

Aug 16, 2014
Here's a list of spells that I feel should be changed but weren't enough to make their own post.

1. Insane Bolt
Insane Bolt isn't that good I think It should be changed to 8,000 self and 3,000-6,000 enemy (mostly because moon cannot be affected by most blades and traps and cannot be boosted by gear)

2. Polymorphs
Most of these are useless except for the Jaguar polymorph. Perhaps change out the spells or give them special strong ones.

3. Shadow Spells
I think Shadow Sentinel should have -15% incoming damage instead of 10%. Also Dark Fiend should do a little more or Dark Seraph do a little less.

4. Taunt / Pacify system
To be honest, it feels like these spell don't do anything. I think they should encourage enemies to use single hits and force target taunt caster. Pacify should encourage them to not hit and impossible target on caster. Both Spells should cause enemies to use single hit spells over hit-all spells. These cases wouldn't normally happen in real life. Also if a hit all is used when pacified reduced damage on caster (-20%)

-Zachary SpiritLeaf & Morgrim StarBloom