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Castle Magic Bug

Mar 30, 2010
There is a bug with the card "Stop Pet." When you try to use it and try to select a pet, mount, or housing guest, it says "This spell only works with pets, mounts, and house guests" and thus does not let you select even though these qualify for the card. I'd love to see this fixed soon!

Mar 30, 2010
Has anyone else noticed this? It's really annoying and not sure when it will be fixed

Feb 08, 2009
I don't have a problem selecting those items to link to this castle magic spell but what happens for me is that the spell doesn't activate on them. My house guests still keep wandering around ignoring the *Stop Pet* card used on them.

Mar 30, 2010
The Start Item Detector is not working as it should. For example, I am trying to make a Tall Yuletide Tree stay on permanently with the "Use Item" Card. When I first put out the the detector, it works. But every time I log out and/or leave the castle and come back, nothing happens and it's not working. I'm not sure if there is another way to make items stay on permanently, but it's not working the way I should I think.

Has anyone gotten the Catch of the Day spell dropped recently?

My friends and I have been farming for the spell recently in Mooshu and none of us have gotten the spell dropped in roughly 300 runs. With 4 people, that's 1200 chances to get the spell and nothing. I know this is supposed to be a rare drop, but with this luck, I'm guessing there may be a bug with this drop.

Is this a bug???

Aug 09, 2009
I have the same issue. I can't select my ice skates or tricycle mount with the "Stop Pet" castle magic card. It is very frustrating!

Jan 18, 2010
I've been doing this for the spell as well with no luck until I ran out of wooden keys.

I would like bosses like these that drop spells to have a second chance chest and possibly moved to instances not requiring key access.

Or at least have a guaranteed drop of the key used to access the instance [at least!].

It's tedious!

Nov 22, 2017
Yeah it is definitely bugged; not a single person has gotten it in the past month. And, from a statistical standpoint, if we just isolate streamer Ferric's runs that were done on recording, we can definitely see that it is definitively broken. He ran Takanobu 400 times with 4 people, and none of them got catch. This is 1600 rolls of the drop table. Even if we assume the drop rate is as low as .5% (this is pretty absurd), the odds that someone would have gotten it is around 99.7% (.995 as the rate of failure^1600X100). Now, anecdotally I can name tons of people on discord who I know that have run it 1k+ times in the past month with no drop, and with no one in their runs getting it either. this further extends the claim that it is mathematically impossible that catch of the day is not bugged. But, even if you do not believe my claims that I can name over 10 people who have run it 500+ times with no drops (which would push the odds of no catch to essentially 0%), Ferric's recorded runs are pretty irrefutable pieces of evidence that solidify that catch is bugged.

[Twitch links broken, removed]
^^^This is collectively over 25 hours of footage that proves the runs took place...

I'll try to investigate this for the Spring Update.
