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Jan 15, 2010
Hey Guys,

Not a new player but I wasn't sure where else to post this question.

I have a level 125 life wizard and have mainly focused on defense (around 95 in each school).

But, for my critical, which is currently sitting at 350, the percent meter says it is only 15% critical?

Is this really true?? Because I have seen max wizards that have 700 critical and it is 100%, the numbers do not add.

May 07, 2010
i dont know the math but, for my 125 storm wizard, 100% critical is 815 and that number raises as you lvl up. im not sure if that number to get 100% critical chance is different for every school. for my other 125 wizards 600 is around 55-60% chance.
hope that info helps a bit

Jan 18, 2010
What I've noticed across the breadth of my wizards, it seems that your critical rating is also affected by your school.

As you know, the higher level you are, the more your critical decreases (Critical Decay).

Hence, you'll have to take steps to increase this as you level; Jewels, Pets, Gear etc.

While as you mentioned, 's critical rating of 815 is enough for a 100%, I got my to 769 and it's almost the same.
So, it appears that the critical rating isn't just based on stats and level, but your school as well.

Jan 11, 2013
Crit chance does not increase in linear increments. I don't know the exact words to describe it, but 100 crit chance does not always = +x% crit chance.