Hello students and graduates of Ravenwood! I'll start off this post by saying that my Storm is level 95 and at Xibalba because I did every single side quest in Azteca to level boost myself before Khrysalis. With that being said, I'm looking for a "dungeon buddy" to have on my friends list in case I get to a hard dungeon. Let me clarify. Since this is my main wizard, I don't want to skip through the dialogue and get to the battles, even though most people just fly through the dialogue. This issue doesn't matter in Azteca or Khrysalis, but it'll matter later because bosses in the upper level worlds punish you for joining late, so it's really not fair to me that the boss is punishing me for joining late, and then my teammates scold me for it for listening to the story! I want to hear out the story as I'm questing because it's like an adventure that I'm following. I know Area51Alien and Victoria FireHeart said they'd be happy to be my "dungeon buddy" and let me hear out the dialogue before starting the battle, so if you guys want to set up a date and time to meet, I can friend your wizard. Also, I am Central Time Zone. Thanks for reading and looking forward to meeting new dungeon buddies!
Sincerely, Blaze StormSword (Level 95 Diviner, Lore Spell and Promethean Pet Enthusiast)
I am usually on in the mornings 8ish - 10ish (Central) taking care of my "chores" (Gardening, Gravulum, Pet Training). Mornings are a good time to meet but not quest (for me at least).
Weekends and evenings are better for questing but those times are dependent on how much work I have yet to do for the day.
I have soloed everything I have done for my own quests and have helped others as I can. What I am having a hard time with is finding people to dungeon with who actually remain for the whole dungeon and not just the first 5 seconds. Some of these dungeons I simply cannot get the last battle on my own as I am not a high level and die often. Hoping to find a dungeon buddy who is willing to go the distance! Have a great day. I will! Taryn GreenTail lvl 26 Adept Theurgist