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May Cast "Dragonblade" on Ally Doesn't Have a Trigger?

Jun 07, 2010
I've noticed an "issue" with the May Cast "Dragonblade" on Ally Pet Talent? It doesn't cast "anymore", I think? Or did it ever cast to begin with?

I've noticed some May Casts just don't have a Trigger "anymore?"
Like for Example: May Cast "Dispel" Pet Talents like "Dissipate" and "Entangle" just doesn't have a Trigger? Like it never Casts at all from anything? But I've seen People say in the past that "Entangle" Triggered from using Single Target Attacks and Spells, similar to how other Negative Charm May Casts Trigger, but it doesn't do that "anymore?" But I've seen Posts in the past say that it worked, so is it defective now from some "hidden" tweak to it? Since there's no way for us to know since the May Casts doesn't tell us anything about the Triggers and Rates for each Trigger? We need more information.

Same "issue" I'm having with the May Cast "Dragonblade" on Ally Pet Talent!
I was trying to make a "Support" Pet for PvE, and I've noticed that when I was testing the Ally "Dragonblade" Pet Talent, it never Triggers from anything? I've used Single Target Spells and Attacks, no Trigger, I've used Negative Charms and had my opponent use Positive Charms because I've noticed that the Icon for the Ally "Dragonblade" May Cast Pet Talent had the same Icon as May Cast Steal Charm and Steal Blade, so I was thinking it would have similar Triggers? But it never Triggered from any of that! I even tried other things, like just using the Pet for normal PvE Gameplay, but it never ever Triggered? I also seen People and Posts in the past for when around the time the May Cast first came out, and People said it Triggered for them, but more recent Posts, People say it doesn't Trigger for them, so does it not Trigger "anymore?" Please give us answers, and please fix these and many more May Casts that don't Trigger! Thanks in advance!

Jun 07, 2010
I'm wondering if anyone else is also having this "Issue" with this particular May Cast? Or just May Casts in general? Like how I said about the Dispels? Is there any other May Casts that just "doesn't" have a "Trigger?" What anyone else think about them?

Aug 30, 2013
Agreed I went for a supportive pet with mc dragonblade on an ally and never have seen it cast once, I tried to investigate how to trigger it and couldnt find anything. would love for some of these talents (mc dispels as well) to be looked at and hopefully fixed c=

Jun 07, 2010
So... when is this gonna be "Audited" to not be so "dysfunctional?" Cause right now the Ally Dragonblade Pet Talent in its current state doesn't have a "Trigger?", especially since it functioned before, but now it's not functioning as intended? I think what I said above already explained the problems with the May Cast "Ally Dragonblade" Pet Talent.

I also noticed that May Cast Shatter, Pierce, and Steal Ward and some of the May Cast Blades got "Nerfed" for PvP, I suppose? But it seems like they also got "Nerfed" for PvE, too? I don't know if this is intended or not? These PvP "audits" should only apply to PvP, if it affects PvE, it's kind of a slap to the face to PvE players who'd like to have May Casts on their pets.

Jun 07, 2010
Lifenoob419 on Apr 25, 2021 wrote:
Agreed I went for a supportive pet with mc dragonblade on an ally and never have seen it cast once, I tried to investigate how to trigger it and couldnt find anything. would love for some of these talents (mc dispels as well) to be looked at and hopefully fixed c=
Yeah! I tried a bunch of different things to try and find the "Trigger", I've also did research on seeing if anyone else knew the "Trigger", but either no one got it to "Cast", or people did, but it was old Posts from around the time the May Cast released? So I'm assuming some "Audit" made May Cast Ally Dragonblade dysfunctional? Since I haven't gotten it to "Cast" either. I think it has to be "Bugged"?

Jun 07, 2010
So, is this ever gonna be "fixed"? Does the Jewel version of the Ally Dragonblade Pet Talent working as intended? Since I know the normal Pet Talent isn't, but I haven't tried the Jewel. So what's gonna happen? Where's the updates?

Dec 20, 2008
Since the update, I noticed my pet NEVER casts empower anymore, whereas it used to cast it all the time. Has anyone else had this issue? Is it a bug or a new requirement?