Hello. I don't know if this is the right spot for this but sorry if it's not. I'm Lv78 Fire and I have not got the Message or anything from my teacher about the "Firestarter" Lv78 Fire quest for the Efreet pet. I went to the school (My school) Fire, and no new quest? What's wrong? I want the quest but I'm lv78 Firestarter for the Pet but it seems like I can't get the quest help!
First off, have you done the lvl 58 quest like a phoenix and gotten the phoenix pet? if not then there is your problem.Secondly, no this is not in the right place
First off, hello. Thanks for caring for me and reply! I love that. Second, I've heard people saying I need to complete Ravenscar and stuff. But I don't know where to start either do I have a quest that Starts the beginning of the Raven Mother/Ravenscar quest place. I don't have Phoenix but I do have the Elephant for fire.
First off, hello. Thanks for caring for me and reply! I love that. Second, I've heard people saying I need to complete Ravenscar and stuff. But I don't know where to start either do I have a quest that Starts the beginning of the Raven Mother/Ravenscar quest place. I don't have Phoenix but I do have the Elephant for fire.
I'm not sure how far you went in Grizzleheim, but Ravenscar comes at the end of Grizzleheim. And after that you go to Wintertusk.
This quest tree from one of the fansites will show you all of the quests in Grizzleheim: