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House Re-sale prices very unfair, WHY?

Apr 26, 2009
KI, I do not understand why the amount is so extremely low when selling back a castle. This is an aspect of the game that I find very unfair. At least allow us to get half of our gold back, we work hard for that stuff! Also, it would be great if there were a way to preview each castle before making a selection.

Please explain why the re-sale value is set so low.

Apr 24, 2009
Let me ask you this: If you sold your house in real life and that you lived in for some time, would you get the same amount of money back that you paid for it and put alot of money into or would you get lower the price back? It works the same way in the game. The only thing we dont have is a Real Estate agent to sell your house for you. :)

Apr 18, 2009
moviebuff3000 wrote:
Let me ask you this: If you sold your house in real life and that you lived in for some time, would you get the same amount of money back that you paid for it and put alot of money into or would you get lower the price back? It works the same way in the game. The only thing we dont have is a Real Estate agent to sell your house for you. :)

if you put alot of time and money in your house it would be worth more
and houses increase in value over time in real life.
its unrealistic that you spend 15000 on a house and if you want to sell it get 1500 (about) back. thats alot of money gone. i agree that the sell price should be higher.

Mar 10, 2009
yeah its so un fair that the re-sale f your houses is so low and you really don't know what your buying till you actually buy it id love to see the before i buy it

Mar 15, 2009
Yeah and I don't understand why we can only own 2 or 3 houses at the same time. I was forced to sell one of my houses because I wanted to buy a new one. Why couldn't I just store it in my bank?