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heck hound? i wish...

Jun 23, 2009
Hey guys im here to post a complaint about my favorite card, the heck hound.

its looks so awesome and when i saw the massive fire breathm its like i was in love... untill the square on the ground appeared...

Heck hound is a RIP OFF of fire elf. i did that hard quest for a TERROR DOG not a scrawny elf who deals 40 damage per turn...

Heck hound needs and original attack. I say the fire breath he uses should deal between 300-420. that would be it, no revolving, no damage per turn, it would be the perfect card.

Post what you think, if you don't agree please say WHY you don't agree.

Thanks :)

Jun 21, 2009
Just a thought but if you didnt want Damage over Time (DoT) then why did you pick the school that is supposed to be all about the damage over time I can understand if the damage may be a little low (or even grossly low). What I'm trying to say is that if anything Fire needs more DoT spells and not less thats what it's all about afterall. If you want straight DMG then go to Storm.
Just a thought.

Apr 25, 2009
It's an X pip card. Sure if you use it with one pip it looks silly to have this epic animation with 40 dmg a round. However, save up 5 power pips and that cute little puppy will do 400 damage a round. Pretty awesome if you ask me.

Jun 23, 2009
Dec 23, 2008
Otys wrote:
blazian, doesn't heck hound do damage based on your opponents pips?

Negative. All "x" cards in the game are based on your own pips.

May 09, 2009
Think of it this way.
In a perfect world and the right setup look at how good heck hound can do just with your own fire spells with no help from anyone else.

heck hound does 120 damage per pip
fire blade adds 35%
wyldefire adds 25%
fire trap adds 25%

7 power pips = 14 regular pips giving your heck hound an initial damage of.... 1680 points

before you even cast he gets the 25% boost from wyldefire making it.... 2100 points

you cast...

he gets the boost from the blade making it 2835 points of damage over 3 rounds or 945 points per round except the first that gets the boost from the blade making the first attack 1181 points of damage.

So over 3 rounds he does 3071 points of damage not too shabby since you will most likely be casting other spells at the same time as your pips replenish.

If that's not enough how about adding elemental blades for another 25% and elemental traps for another 35% and somewhere along the lines you can steal a balance blade from one of the NPC's or have your friend cast it on you. OH! and what if your target has been hit with a feint for another 70% boost to the first attack.

Heck Hound eats fire elves for breakfast!

But that's just my opinion

Nathaniel Spellhammer
Lvl 46 Pyromancer

Apr 24, 2009
When I play my fire wizard and my Heck Hound comes up my son tells me to use it and I only have one pip. I tell him if I have more pips it does more damage. Heck Hound does 120 damage per pip. You get 3 powerpips and you have one regular pip. How much damage does that do over the course of 3 rounds? Does pretty good damage doesnt it? You just need to be paitent with X card spells they are probably the most powerful cards you have with the exception of the minion cards that only have X on them. Ice gets Ice armor and protects you from 125 points of damage per pip. You get pretty good defense with the Ice Armor if you save up enough pips and power pips. Even better than the Spirit Armor for Life.

Jan 29, 2009
Actually, we of the storm persuasion can purchase the Storm Hound from Zeke. It is also a DOT spell. It does 120 points per pip. With 14 pips and a few sword buffs, you can do some serious damage. I figured it out with just 14 pips, 30% storm sword, and 35% storm sword you can do 2948 points of damage over three rounds. That means 982 points per round for three rounds. Much better then the storm elf. I know heck hound works the same way except it has lower damage but the principle is the same.

BTW, if you add the +25% balance sword, it jacks the total damage to 3685 points which is 1228 points damage per round for 3 rounds. No elf even gets close to that kind of massive damage.

Tristan Dragonhead Grandmaster Diviner

Jun 28, 2009
straight damage anything but storm, low accuracy and hp ultra low makes it like a tease from ultimate power

Jan 29, 2009
lionstar89 wrote:
straight damage anything but storm, low accuracy and hp ultra low makes it like a tease from ultimate power

Perhaps, but we storm wizards (when we do hit), can do some serious damage and even take down those big bosses in one shot (even Malistaire with the right buffs).