I am in Wizard City. My deck(Starter deck) for my level seven theurgist may have a bug and or problem. see, every few turns i have NO cards left to fight with. :(i have three lepurchauns,three minor blessings,three imps,and three pixies. the most recent time was afew minutes ago with general akilles.please help!
I have run across this problem a lot and it just isn't the starter deck.Who enjoys Dying because all they can do is pass as there is no point in fleeing.Also I cant get the Treasure cards to work I can discard but not draw a card.
I ran into this problem when I was in Wizard City on my baby wizard. I didn't at the time have any amulets to equip and I had no wand equipped. I was experimenting with no wand and fizzle rate. After a few times back to the playground, I equipped my wand and didn't have the problem again. My guess is that at that low of level it still pulls those cards like you had a wand but was blank.