I was in the bazaar buying a rare item and apparently it went before I could finish the transaction. I understand that. The problem, however, is that after the "incomplete transaction" message came up, I couldn't buy anything else. I had to exit then re-enter. With some rare singular items in the bazaar, it's sort of frustrating to have to keep doing that. All three rare items I wanted went that way and I wonder if I might have gotten at least one if I didn't have to keep wasting time to exit and re-enter.
The Bazzar is Broken! Has been even sence the emergency fix KI had to do the other day. The prices are all borked. Yes every item , from 1 too 3 listed in bazzar comes back with "incomplete transaction" message when ever I try to buy them, and the prices are not right. I went to try to buy an item listed for 65G and it said, Are you sure you want to buy (item) for 78G ? WHAT?!