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Last boss of grizzleheim (bug?) TEACHER NEED TO SE

May 12, 2009
Me, my fiancé and my brother group together all of the spiral and finally reached the end of grizzleheim.

but when we entered the fight with Othin Stormfather and 3 other ravens, they kept interrupting and attack 2-3 times each round, with a tempest far stronger than what their pips allowed, they hitted through absorb shields with sunbirds and Othin (storm school) used a SCARECROW 2 times in a row, more than once, and he didnt even have 3 pips!!!

how is it even possible to kill them?

our lvls are:

me - lvl 48 master of nature

fiancé - lvl 48 master of monsters

brother - lvl 49 master of fire

we fought 2 times and it happened both times, and once we couldnt cast the spell we wanted on ourself, it kept changing our target.

this battle, wich is in a easier world than dragon spyre, is way harder than malistaire.

Christina Lifegiver
~ Master of Nature

Aug 01, 2008
051207iluc wrote:
Me, my fiancé and my brother group together all of the spiral and finally reached the end of grizzleheim.

but when we entered the fight with Othin Stormfather and 3 other ravens, they kept interrupting and attack 2-3 times each round, with a tempest far stronger than what their pips allowed, they hitted through absorb shields with sunbirds and Othin (storm school) used a SCARECROW 2 times in a row, more than once, and he didnt even have 3 pips!!!

how is it even possible to kill them?

our lvls are:

me - lvl 48 master of nature

fiancé - lvl 48 master of monsters

brother - lvl 49 master of fire

we fought 2 times and it happened both times, and once we couldnt cast the spell we wanted on ourself, it kept changing our target.

Don't worry. This is normal. It's just KI making the game more fun with "enhanced" bosses.

051207iluc wrote:
this battle, wich is in a easier world than dragon spyre, is way harder than malistaire.

Christina Lifegiver
~ Master of Nature

Not anymore. Hit life is up to 100,000 and he can do the interrupts and overpowered spells to.

Dec 14, 2008
actually grizzleheim is suppose to be harder and malistaire also got harder.... I would just lay of the boss battles until they change it ( they announced they would ) it was there idea to enhance boss battles and add challenge but grandmaster groups are also having trouble
they willchange it so I wouldnt worry

May 06, 2009
Not a bug, I'm afraid. Intentional changes.

An as far as being harder than Malistaire -- from what I've heard, it's easier, given that he now has 100 thousand health and does all the things you were talking about.

The Jade Oni summons in other Oni without using any pips, and they can cast spells immediately.

It sounds like they finally heard us and are making changes, but I think only because a large number of people are threatening to cancel our accounts :/

May 25, 2009
Well I beat the 4 bosses. Not all that bad however...

We defeated all four bosses, 2 Grandmasters and one master of Ice, the interruptions were annoying, but no massive attacks. The Bosses were able to go twice to our 1 with out an interruption. Still not that bad considering they actually used skills equal to their pips. We did not receive credit for the quest...that was the most annoying part.

In other words please fix this bug...

Dec 17, 2008
It can be done. MY wife and myself did it with just the two of us. We beat the raven coven fight. YOU need to focus on one raven at a time. We took out death first. this stoped the life from doing unicorn all the time. We then took the life raven down. after him the storm and the fire last. Also set a recal point at the potion vendor in wizard city comons. When you die drink and port right back to the fight. when you use your last potion recal buy more set a new recal point and head back.

It took 2.5 hours for us to do the fight this way, the bad part was no badge after it