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Install problems

Dec 10, 2008
javascript:emoticon(':-(');I had downloaded the Test Realm but it didn't run well for me. I started having problems playing W101 yesterday, (I was playing at Grizzleheim.) I started uninstalling but it didn't complete and now he can't run the game. We tried reinstalling but since it never completely uninstalled I haven't been successful. Please help .. I don't want to lose my progress and have to start all over again.
javascript:emoticon(''); I'm running a 2 year old Dell XPS, 2G of Ram, and I have an older 512Mb Radeon video card. Please help,..please!

May 15, 2009
Because it didn't finish uninstalling isn't necessarily the reason it won't install; more likely would be that whatever prevented the uninstall is also preventing the reinstall.

Why didn't it complete? Check log files in your temp directories.

- Search the kb here for manual uninstallation instructions or anything that resembles your issue.

- See the other thread for other ideas.

Your progress is saved remotely; you can install to a new machine, log in, and you'll have all your stuff.

May 06, 2009
I'm hoping that you get this straightened out, but don't worry about losing your progress -- your characters and progress are not stored on your computer but KI's...which means you could install the game on a different computer and have access to all your stuff and characters (my daughter is visiting her grandparents this week and is still playing her death wizard)

So at least you can relax on that score. Wish I understood why some people couldn't load test and now are having trouble...so I could help, but I can't :(

Aug 16, 2008
I have the same problem here, except I can't find my KingsIsle files.

BTW, what is the KB?