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Damage All not firing

May 28, 2009
I just found a problem with the Meteor Shower spell. Luckily I was testing to see what would happen if an opponent was defeated before I had a chance to cast the spell but then later it happened again by mistake so I know it is reproducible. If you target an enemy that is disposed of before it is your turn the spell still will not fire and you loose your pips as well (four pip spell; but I swear that the first time I had 6 pips including 1 power pip and afterward I only had 2 pips as if it did not take into account that fire is my primary school which it would have if the spell had fired). I guess there are two ways of looking at this:
First, I don't expect that a spell that is supposed to do damage to ALL opponents would fail to fire when I still have opponents unless it fizzles in which case I would not loose my pips but in this scenario the spell skips. It does not try to fire at all.
Second, If a spell does not fire (for any reason) I do not expect to loose pips.
For those of you seeing this problem the best thing to do is to target an opponent you are pretty sure is not going to be defeated before you have a chance to cast. I did however want to bring this to KI's attention so that they could explain or correct the bug. Thanks for listening.

May 06, 2009
I believe this also happens when you call a minion and someone fills the slot before it's your turn to cast the spell.

I have been more careful about casting these 'damage all' spells, the frog currently for me, to make sure the target will still be there when it's my turn. I didn't realize the pips still got used though!

Feb 11, 2009
the flaw is in the fact that on an area effect spell you must still pick a target. Just like your first healing spells assumes that since it is only for you, you wish to use it on you, an area effect spell should assume that all available targets are selected. Sadly this is not true you should always pick the strongest target or if in a group call dibs on something.

May 17, 2009
Same thing happens with the first storm damage all, it doesn't fire if the target is dead, and consumes ALL pips (since its an X pip spell). This really needs to be fixed, simplest way being to just have the damage all spells not need a target, just like heal self don't.

May 28, 2009
I agree that is the way to go. If you click on that spell it just goes to the "Waiting for other players" screen and doesn't even ask you to target someone. AND if there aren't any opponents left then the battle is over anyway. KI please make this change.

Apr 25, 2009
Aug 19, 2008
May 28, 2009
Man you ARE Cynical aren't you? :D No, I can't agree with you. If KI had considered this outcome for a second they would have coded a contingency. I will agree that it is happening BECAUSE of design (e.g. you must select a target for each spell, except "Self Only" spells), but I don't think that they meant it to be this way.

Mar 03, 2009
Actually, it IS likely designed that way. I used to have a similar problem, but the solution is simple, watch other people's moves! At the bottom of the screen during spell selection, you can see the names and health of all your allies. As they select their spells, icons appear that show what spell they are casting and on which opponent/ally(indicated by the symbol representing the space the target occupies). If you even THINK another player's spell will knock out the opponent you were going to target with your AoE from the spell they select, pick a different target.

The only part you're really losing out on are your pips. Mana is taken at the start of the round, which means you lose mana for fizzled spells as well.

Unless your allies take out all the opponents before your turn, there really is no reason you can't select a target that will likely survive their attacks. And in the case I mentioned, it won't matter that you lost your pips.

In all honesty, it's like asking for an A in a class where you never paid attention. If you don't put in the effort, you don't deserve to get rewarded.