I feel like I'm pretty smart, but this has me scratching my head!
Where do you put this statue? I can't seem to find a place it will allow. I have 3 different houses, tried on the ground, on the floor, on the stage, on the table, in the dog fish fountain and so far nothing! someone have an answer for this riddle?
I had same problem when I bought my Marleybone Mansion. Found that Dogfish only worked on a very narrow set of spots on foyer/middle/top floors inside and nowhere outside. In Middle (main) level, you could only attach on wall between stairs going down and stairs going up. I only have the one "Castle" so far, but I suspect the others have similiar problems. Hope that helps.
It belongs on a wall. You can use the scroll wheel on the mouse to change the way it faces (it should face away from the wall), and then put up. I couldn't figure it out for a long while, either.
Perhaps KI ought to add where an item can be placed, although perhaps they think not knowing makes it kind of a puzzle? I just find it a little irritating, and would like all the information about an item before I try and place it.
The dogfish statue can be placed on a wall inside the house. If you want to know what it looks like, head into the Royal museum and go to one of the two interior pools on either side of the Big Ben entrance. Either of those on the wall are the same dogfish statue altho the player version doesn't spout water.
I guess it's me but statue implies it needed to be put on something NOT hung on a wall. Wonder if I can get my money back for that fountain since I didn't need it. Don't bother suggesting selling it back, it's a plain and simple rip off. You pay an arm and leg and get just about nothing back.
YES!!! I got the dogfish statue to get on my wall after reading this thread. And I was able to put it on multiple walls once I knew it had to go on tail first.