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Smarter Guardians please!!

May 28, 2009
I have noticed a few things since my wife and i have started playing this game, and one of them happens to be the lack of intelligence that the guardians seem to have. If these monsters are suppose to be summoned to assist you in battle wouldn't it make sense to be able to control your own beasts then?

I am a life wizard and i have lost count of how many times i dumb gaudian has ruined my set ups worse than any newbie. My wife is an ice wizard, and her guardian is denser than the ice block he was formed from. Her guardian, who has been named "Fizzle Freddie", just loves to throw storm spells at the baddies that are storm based and more often than not fizzles.

So i beg you, please increase the intelligence of the guardians or hand over control of them to thier handlers, or even add higher level gaurdians to the different classes instead of only having a LVL 1 guardian all the time. heck all of the above would be great also.

Dec 11, 2008

I can't tell you how disappointed I was when my Myth Wizard got his minotaue minion, "Enraged Minotaur"! Enraged?! Someone must have slipped him the prozac. His sole purpose is just to distrace one of the enemies. He constnatly shields himself, then taunts the baddys. About every 5th round he will do a weak natural attack and dish out 100 damage points if I am lucky.

Now, I understand that he is trying to protect me ny making the enemies attack him... but so what? That is so lame. He is an ENRAGED MINOTAUR, I fully expected him to be hacking and slashing through the enemies. I no longer even use him in my deck. I mainly use the Puppet, at least they attack non-stop. They are by far the best bang for your pip in the game. 0 Pips and they never pass or hand out shields, they just attack attack attack and it is usually several rounds before the bad guys even bother taking them out.

Mar 25, 2009
i am a balance wizard. the minion for balance is awesome. i have helpfull mander, and i am trying to get the next one. but my mander is very helpfull like it is supposed to be. it shields, give me pips and even heals me sometimes you should get balance if you want the best minion ever

Sep 02, 2008
I have a BALANCE wizard at a level now where I can summon a RANDOM ice, fire, or storm minion to help out. As you can guess I am not happy when I fight an ice monster and I summon a minion I get an ice minion (what a waste of 4 pips).

How about letting the BALANCE wizard pick which minion of the three will actually show up OR design it so whoever is the main boss the appropriate minion appears. (i.e. Fighting a fire boss the summon minion would show up as the ice minion.)

Just my 2 cents worth.

Sep 22, 2008
Fire is the worst of them all, it only uses 5 spells (none of which very useful) and always destroys my setups. The worst part about fire minion though is the fact that it only uses fire spells, every other school I have seen has minions that use multiple schools. So I totally agree with all of you with this minion debate.

Dec 17, 2008
I don't know about you guys, but I would definitely say that Storm has the worst minion. All Storm's minion does is taunt a random target almost non-stop. Then it would cast shields on itself. Once in a blue moon, like maybe after 10 rounds it might decide to cast armor on itself or that one death school spell guy that looks like the "Rotting Fodder" dude. I forget what it's called. Anyways, it would be nice to actually see it use a Storm spell for once, I mean, it still is a storm minion.