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Help in Sunken City!

Jul 06, 2009
Okay, I've beaten Sunken City on my other account, but I can't seem to beat it on my other! I tried solo, but that didn't work. I went with 2 other people, but when I was pulled into battle they left me behind! Whenever I go and check to see if anyone is there, and there's rarely ever people. I have friends, but I am not close to them because I like to focus on my quests, so they don't really help me because they're doing other things. Will anyone help or does anyone have advice?

Destiny Heart :)

May 20, 2010
It depends on your school. A Storm wizard could easily win at level 28 by using Tempest. A Life wizard could win at level 28 by using the Sprite Guardian.

Sunken City isn't as hard as it used to be, because there are no forced street battles anymore. Here are some tips for getting through it:

1) You'll probably need to be at least level 28 to try soloing it.

2) If you have Crowns, one level 20 Life Henchman per battle will make things a lot easier.

3) Get the Reshuffle spell if you don't have it already.

4) Stay on the far side of all the sidewalks (have your wizard touching the walls while traveling) to avoid being pulled into battle.

5) Make a teleport mark before entering any of the buildings the battles are in. When you're in Norton's tower, make a mark after you finish each floor. If you're defeated or run low on mana between battles, you can refill your stats and potion bottles and teleport back.

Feb 14, 2010
First of all, there isn't really any reason why you need to do Sunken City (right now) since it is optional. you could wait until you level up to say level 35 and by that time you would have a much easier time doing it by yourself.

If your so called friends never help you anymore than maybe you should try to find some new friends that are closer to your level and are actually willing to help you out sometimes.

There are several way to find help in the game. The first, and easiest, is to chat with other players who are questing in the same area as you. Everyone gets the Sunken City quest, and I presume most of them do complete it at some point, so... there are definitely other players that can help you; you just need to figure out how to find them a little better.
If noone seems to be around then try porting to different realms; choose realms that are crowded or normal. You can port once every 60 seconds which is enough time to ask anyone if they have the Sunken City quest and if they would like some help.

If you still can't find other players, then try playing when the game is busy: in the late afternoon or evenings on weekdays or on the weekends during the day/early evening.

Another option is to visit wizard101central.com and post a request for help in the "In game Quest Help and meet ups".
You can usually find help within 30 minutes of posting depending on the time of day. There are lots of other players who are willing to help each other out for dungeons and tough bosses.

Mar 18, 2009
Okay, I've beaten Sunken City on my other account, but I can't seem to beat it on my other! I tried solo, but that didn't work. I went with 2 other people, but when I was pulled into battle they left me behind! Whenever I go and check to see if anyone is there, and there's rarely ever people. I have friends, but I am not close to them because I like to focus on my quests, so they don't really help me because they're doing other things. Will anyone help or does anyone have advice?

Destiny Heart :)

Try this thread:


Jan 05, 2011
Okay, I've beaten Sunken City on my other account, but I can't seem to beat it on my other! I tried solo, but that didn't work. I went with 2 other people, but when I was pulled into battle they left me behind! Whenever I go and check to see if anyone is there, and there's rarely ever people. I have friends, but I am not close to them because I like to focus on my quests, so they don't really help me because they're doing other things. Will anyone help or does anyone have advice? Thanks, Destiny Heart :)
except for the level 38 life spell quest, sunken city really is an unnecessary dungeon. If you cant't find a group, I'd recommend waiting till you're like level 45 to do it, if ever. It's still sitting in half of my characters' quest logs. -gabriel darkthorn, master diviner (and crew)

Jul 22, 2009
Nov 16, 2010