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please help level 50

Oct 27, 2010
i hit level 50 and a pop up came with a dude telling me to come see him, there is no quest for it and i have no idea who or where he is any help would be great. thanks

Ok that made me laugh. That 'dude' was Merle Ambrose and Merle seems to be back to some bad habits of calling Wizards to his side when they level, and then not having anything for them when they arrive. Unless Merle has a symbol over his head, he's just checking to make sure you're paying attention to your studies!

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jun 04, 2010
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Ok that made me laugh. That 'dude' was Merle Ambrose and Merle seems to be back to some bad habits of calling Wizards to his side when they level, and then not having anything for them when they arrive. Unless Merle has a symbol over his head, he's just checking to make sure you're paying attention to your studies!

Hey Zeke, are you sure it wasn't Diego? He popped up for me at level 50 to tell me to come and learn about critical hits.

Potentially! I'm just so used to old Merle bugging everyone but you're right, it could have been Diego, and potentially Simeon chimes in occasionally too.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jun 04, 2010
Prospector Zeke wrote:
Potentially! I'm just so used to old Merle bugging everyone but you're right, it could have been Diego, and potentially Simeon chimes in occasionally too.

Haha. Yeah, you have a pretty chatty crew there, particularly if one plays the game on a different computer once in a while. Oh well, at least they are communicative. :)