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"Jumping" off ledges

Sep 03, 2008
In and around Wizard City there are numerous streams, ponds, etc, where my Mage has absolutely no problem jumping down into the water, wading across, and climbing out the other side.

Yet going up and down a ramped path they absolutely refuse to step up or down a couple of inches. I'm forced to go all the way to the end of the ramp because they're suddenly afraid of a 2" drop.

The drop is not even as high as some of the steps which they run up and down all day, but a 2" drop from one ramp to another? No, sir! I won't do it!

It's absolutely ridiculous that my Mage will walk up & down a flight of stairs but refuses to step up or down a 2" high ledge.

I understand you don't want people walking off the edge of Krokotopia's floating islands, etc, and that's fine. Leave those invisible walls in, nothing wrong there. But invisible walls preventing my Mage from stepping down two inches to another ramp? That makes no sense at all, and is totally inconsistent with players being able to walk up & down steps and wade across streams.

I'm not asking to be able to jump off a ledge in Krokotopia and fall 20 feet to the fall below, unharmed, but at least let me be able to step off a 1-foot high ledge.

I can do it stepping into a stream, why can't I do it when I can clearly see the ground below?

Jul 12, 2008
Sep 06, 2008
sometimes i see people in wizard city walking off huge cliffs . i guess they are hacking or something

Dec 24, 2008
Dunno how that works, but it's tons of fun to drop my Leperchaun (no that is not a misspelling) off a cliff. It doesn't mind. After all, it's already dead.

Mar 17, 2009
My sister always complains about just this with other games

"These heros are weird. their cappable of defeating Monsters tewn times as big as them, but cant jump ove a knee high wall"

Aug 09, 2008
ElfedesMondlichts1234 wrote:
My sister always complains about just this with other games

As well she might, as while it is certainly rather irritating, and unbelievable .... it's also a common feature in many games. Invisible barriers around certain ledges/cliffs/ramps etc. is nothing unique to this game, I'm afraid. :(

Of course, that's not exactly an excuse. :P

Jun 09, 2009
why is there even a jump option i have not needed to use it once in the game you can just walk where you need to go even if there is a small ledge we need to be able to use the jump rather than just play with it

May 06, 2009
zrm22 wrote:
sometimes i see people in wizard city walking off huge cliffs . i guess they are hacking or something

Nope. On their screen, they have likely walked down the ramp. Your view of them is lagging somewhat, and the game is doing its best to move the wizard from where they were to where they really are. I often see this in Big Ben and the counterweight towers in a group, with all the twists and turns of the stairs in the last fights of each. Someone 'behind' me heading up the stairs will cut through the side of the stairs and end up in the next battle ahead of me, when in fact they were just ahead of me the whole time, and I was just lagging.