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add on rooms for houses

Oct 02, 2009
as I was talking about the updates with my friends, I came across a pretty cool idea for housing.
what if you could ADD rooms to your HOUSE!
Almost every game i have ever played happens to have that addition to the game.
When I used to play webkinz (pretty stupid game, you know, i mean, you pay 10 bucks to get an account, then your frickin' pet DIES after a year)
Anyway, back to what i was saying. when i used to play webkinz, you had a house, and you were able to add on rooms.
Also, when I played millsberry (also a pretty stupid and pointless game. you cant even DO anything in your house. it just SITS THERE AND LOOKS GOOD!) well, when i played millsberry, you could add rooms and stuff, and you could even add entire FLOORS to the house.
Also, club penguin (once again a pretty pointless game) allows you to add rooms (not sure, though -) (somebody plz update me on this plz -)
well, yeah.
so, i was thinking that you should be able to add rooms to your house, and choose the area, maybe it would cost about 1/10 of the original cost of the house.
so, yeah.
anybody like this idea?

May 24, 2009
I am not sure about this becoming something coming to the game but it is a good idea but sometimes i think its bad. I am not sure how it would be bad or if it would affect how the game engineering was designed but its still a great idea. :)