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new world

Mar 17, 2009
I was playing chess and i thought why doesnt wizard101 make a chess based world the enemies would be pawns rank 2, pawn masters rank 2 elite, knights rank 3, paladins rank 3 elite, bishops rank 4, archbishop rank 4 elite, rooks small towers an wheel boards rank 5, rooklords giant walking machines with huge cyber swords rank 6 elite, and then the queen because in chess she has so much power i went over board and made here have like 4 arms each arm carrying a giant sword rank 9 elite, for the king i made him ride a gold horse covered in armor made of either pure gold or mythril rank 10. when you first come into this world you are attacked by a pawn you defeat him and here a voice you turn around and notice somebody was watching you he then takes you too this one room where there is another person waiting and they tell you they are both from each side of the two armies black and white they tell you they were hunted down because they were both meeting with each other to try two convince each army that they should make peace with each other until they were found out about. more updates too come later.