i had the idea of a special gauntlet where we face every boss we ever fought but there r rules 1. you HAVE to have beaten the main questline 2.you have to be 48 to start
Now when you enter you face off against your first boss you ever fought Rattle bones who has 1000 HP now once you beat him it goes to the next boss this will continue with each boss stronger and more powerful than before up to malistaire whom you face he will have a grand 50,000 Health
there of course would be a Chest at the end with all the drops you choose a max of 5 items from it these items will be the drops the bosses would have given you during your trek through the gauntlet so you get to choose then you recieve 500 gold and mana and health is restored this way you can start all over again
i would love to hear feedback as this could be a VERY fun addition to wizard101
Nice idea, but why start off rattlebones with a higher HP ratio. Put them all with the same HP as they originally had, mainly because that is a lot of bosses! But what would be cool is if after each defeat, you recieve a drop from each boss that would be a normal drop if you fought them in their own tower. I like your gauntlet idea!
like EVERY boss in all of the spirals that would be real time consuming and i'm sure we dont have enough potions for this even if we had life wizards with us we couldnt restore mana
this is a option i think is good but people would only try to get their grand gear easy, or rare items to sell for tons of gold easy which would throw wizard101 off sounds good but too good
luv your idea but if KI installed that there would be long periods of time that wizard101 would be shut down right?
not really if you noticed Grizzleheim ddint cause a long shut down no shut down at all not at asll XD
AlecVolterra wrote:
this is a option i think is good but people would only try to get their grand gear easy, or rare items to sell for tons of gold easy which would throw wizard101 off sounds good but too good
This is not True reread my idea this does not give a list EVERY drop possible by the bosses this would place the drops you would have recieved at the end and put it in a chest then at the end you choose 5 items fromt he drops you would have recieved and the rest of the reward.
ris0q1 wrote:
Nice idea, but why start off rattlebones with a higher HP ratio. Put them all with the same HP as they originally had, mainly because that is a lot of bosses! But what would be cool is if after each defeat, you recieve a drop from each boss that would be a normal drop if you fought them in their own tower. I like your gauntlet idea!
This is because it is a Gauntlet for after their defeat they have gotten stronger but year 1000 might be a bit too high so we could lower it
eioofh wrote:
like EVERY boss in all of the spirals that would be real time consuming and i'm sure we dont have enough potions for this even if we had life wizards with us we couldnt restore mana Thomas Swiftthistle Grandmaster Ice and Death
Not EVERY boss in the spiral the main bosses for each area like
Unicorn way: rattle bones Fire cat Ally: Alicane swift arrow or different world areas Tomb of storms: Krokopatra and so on and so on
Ideas are always great, and improving them makes them greater. So my improvements are that you battle the four best dropping bosses all at once, with health that makes the battles ds difficulty (not 7500 per, but like 4000 per.) plus they each have a drop box that gives off two free drops per boss. Now I realise that this is easy drops, but read my guide to my idea bellow. Plus, how hard is going to be to get to the ds bosses, if you have to battle your way through five worlds without any heals along the way? CHALLENGE. So now read my guide, it will help.
Floor 1: Wizard City This floor has the following boses: Kraken, Harvest Lord, Lord Nightshade, and General Achilles. *Notes: Lord Nightshade can semi-cheat, not using the dreaded meteor but by using Gloom and Doom at the start of the battle, giving himself a death trap then attacking, ya kow that kinda stuff.
That is the basic theme of my ideas, and the floors stay like that. However, the 7'th floor has a final boss, a boss that you have to deal with Gurtok Demon, a side boss who has as much health as Malistaire, along with the other two Gurtoks, all with their normal health. These will always drop a dragonspyre shiny sword, and they drop some grand armor. This could be argued its too easy, but remeber that you can't teleport to someone in a tower, so you can't just leave and port back. Plus, with Gloom and Doom ruining heals, I think you understad that it is hard to be 25 bosses in five rounds each with 4000 health, then three bosses, one with 10,000 health. Not to mention no heal wisps along the way, sounds hard to me! Thanks for reading my long list of ideas, and please improve them. THanks!
That is a bunch of bosses so I would keep them at there original health...
Ya but think about this, if we used my idea and nightshade had 850, then grandmasters could rip through the first few battles like tissue paper. Remeber though, this isn't briskbreeze, where bosses use meteor to kill evveryone in one shot! The only cheat these bosses can do is cheat gloom and cheat blades. Just bring potions, and two lifes, and ta-dah! Easy way to the higher parts. Remeber though, Grizzleheighm will not be a part of this, because 33 bosses with tthat much health would be OUCH. Also remeber, gloom only reducing heal by 50%. So centaur does what 400? You can also just change the bubbble! Here's my scenario for how the average battle would go.
um ok you should kinda stop this because i hardly saw any positive replys on this and doom and gloom doesn't make like weaker and the grizzleheim bosses would be nice to have xp wise