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"Pet tokens" perhaps?

Dec 13, 2008
Instead of making these new pet features announced in the update an all crowns, or all member thing, I have a suggestion. How about making a pet cost 1 or 2 "Pet Tokens" which could be earned from defeating the main boss of a street. This is a better alternative to gold, but there would of course be some crown pet "parts". So, how about you pay and extra 1 or2 pet token for each crown part you use? This is a good motivator for people to buy subscriptions and quest their hearts out, and at the end of the day, have an epic pet made from defeating the Harvest lord. This would surely entice free players to get a subscription, or some crowns to be able to adventure and get more Tokens. Another idea, is that from getting a decently high score on the pet minigames announced, would earn you a pet token. The free players need more content in the game, so the little taste of wizard city is all that more enjoyable.

Feb 23, 2009