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What is the most powerful school to be in?

Apr 05, 2009
Hi. Some people say that fire school is the most powerful, some say storm is the most powerful. i just want to know what school is the most powerful.

Feb 15, 2010
well it could depend on who said it :? like did a fire wiz say fire was the best? and did a storm wiz say that storm was the best? if not then heres some ups and downs about both schools

storm has excellent damage hits and fire also has pretty good hits

storm fizzles alot and can easily be avoided fire fizzles sometimes but it doesnt do like collosal damage only helephent can really do damage

hope that helped Blaze SkyFist lvl 21 ( almost to lvl 22!)

Dec 20, 2008
Storm: Best attack. Lowest health. Lowest accuracy. (Devastating)
Fire: Okay attack. Okay health. Low accuracy. (Repeats of attacks)
Ice: Lowest attack. Best health. Okay accuracy. (Defense)
Death: Good attack. Good health. Good accuracy. (Sap health, return health)
Myth: Good attack. Okay health. Okay accuracy. (Minions)
Life: Low attack. Good health. Best accuracy. (Healing)
Balance: Low attack. Okay health. Okay accuracy. (Shields and pips)

Jun 26, 2009
RedCharcoal wrote:
Storm: Best attack. Lowest health. Lowest accuracy. (Devastating)
Fire: Okay attack. Okay health. Low accuracy. (Repeats of attacks)
Ice: Lowest attack. Best health. Okay accuracy. (Defense)
Death: Good attack. Good health. Good accuracy. (Sap health, return health)
Myth: Good attack. Okay health. Okay accuracy. (Minions)
Life: Low attack. Good health. Best accuracy. (Healing)
Balance: Low attack. Okay health. Okay accuracy. (Shields and pips)

How does myth and death get good attacks but fire gets just ok?

Dec 16, 2008
Well fire and storm are powerful but not the most ice and myth are they have much health and i am death and i am saying this.

Feb 22, 2009
It really is just an opinion and this is not a very great question because everyone is obviously going to just say their own school, which will get you no where

Jan 12, 2010
people say the most powerfulest school is balance because it carries a little bit of everything. the main top three are: balance,life, or death 8) plus hi sairi greenstone!!!!!!

May 03, 2009
I'd say the Death School......but maybe that's because I'm in it! I will admit that I can hardly keep up with all the quests but it is a lot of fun because I'm never bored!

Mar 23, 2010
It really depends on what you mean by powerful. The one poster who gave a summation of every school said it excellently.

If you mean most damage, you want storm. Nothing else does as high damage as storm, and generally, a storm wizard one-hits their enemies most of the time. But they fizzle, a LOT. Be prepared to fizzle roughly one in three attacks.

If you want to survive for a long time, you probably want ice or life. Ice has amazing health and life can heal itself better than any other school. Additionally, life rarely fizzles. Death is somewhat powerful for the fact that it can self-sustain, it does a fairly nice amount of damage and simultaneously heals the user for half.

Fire is the "in-between" school, with medium health and medium damage. If being a well rounded character is your thing, go for it.

Myth is a little bit unique, they get the best minions, minion boosting spells, and a variety of minions. It's probably the most different play style from a lot of the others. It can be somewhat powerful if you use it wisely and learn how to use minions, but it's not powerful in the same way some of the other schools are.

Balance is not my favorite choice for 'powerful', but they can be a great asset if in a party. They have strong shielding, blades, traps, etcetera.