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New game idea for KI

Jan 12, 2010
I'm not sure where to send this, the Kings Isle website doesn't have a "send us ideas" link. So I'm hoping the head honchos see this.

Anyway, I'm in the middle of reading Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, and it occurred to me that a game loosely based on that would be cool. When you make your character, you choose who your wizard's - (*AHEM*) - I mean Hero's divine parent is, and that determines your skill set. Like schools for Wizard 101. But this game would have more physical melee battle and less spell-casting. And it would be set in the modern US of course.

The hard part will be figuring out the game concepts - programming will be a piece of cake for your on-staff computer gods!

Dec 12, 2008
i saw the movie, and saw a PERFECT setup for a game! i think you should have a storyline somewhat like that, except you start out in a training facility and THEN you go out into the real world. i would also like fighting in a KI game where it would be based off a player's reaction, like say i pressed 1 while i clicked on a monster and i smited him. just a little bit towards WoW's fighting action, except with different abilities, etc.

KI i love this idea and you should really consider it!