i was jsut wondering why i dont always float in the air when the fairy heals me? it seems to have stopped when i reached level 15..
i quite like this animation and i was wodnering if it is something i have done to stop it, can i get it back?
Sarai Skyblossom
Do you by chance have any items that increase your incoming heal and "boost" your heal?
I noticed that when I bought a couple crown items at level 15 recently, an athame and a ring, that my wizard no longer floated when being healed. In fact she almost looks to "shake it off"...lol. But all my other wizards, who do not have incoming health boosts still do jump up and float in the air when being healed by the fairy or pixie and they are of all levels such as Grands, and one that is even lower than level 15...maybe 7-8 right now.