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Ice Elf Pet?

Feb 19, 2009
I am curious as to how exactly you get the Ice Elf pet. I saw someone with it just today who was a lvl 50 grandmaster storm. Can anyone tell me how exactly to get this pet because i would LOVE to have it on my ice character.

Oct 14, 2009
Go to the Wizard101 homepage, click on Gifts, select Gift Certificates, and buy yourself one. :-)

Aug 12, 2009
I just got one last night. You have to buy a Gift Certificate(not a gift card) from the site here. Then you have to redeem the certificate. When you redeem the certificate you get the Ice Elf on the account you redeem it on. It doesn't matter the price of the certificate, I got the $10 one and got the Elf.

I am wondering how anyone even knew about this as I didn't see it posted anywhere here about getting the Elf with these, I only have heard people mention it on a couple boards. I wish they would have made this more "known," like they had the gift card pets so it didn't seem like such a rumor. I wasn't sure I believed it to be true until I saw one person with one myself...lol.

Jul 30, 2009
oceandaydreamer wrote:
I am wondering how anyone even knew about this as I didn't see it posted anywhere here about getting the Elf with these, I only have heard people mention it on a couple boards. I wish they would have made this more "known," like they had the gift card pets so it didn't seem like such a rumor. I wasn't sure I believed it to be true until I saw one person with one myself...lol.

Hubby and I both got e-mails from KI informing us about them. So it's safe to assume that KI sent out e-mails to most subscribers as well.

Jun 09, 2009
oceandaydreamer wrote:
I just got one last night. You have to buy a Gift Certificate(not a gift card) from the site here. Then you have to redeem the certificate. When you redeem the certificate you get the Ice Elf on the account you redeem it on. It doesn't matter the price of the certificate, I got the $10 one and got the Elf.

I am wondering how anyone even knew about this as I didn't see it posted anywhere here about getting the Elf with these, I only have heard people mention it on a couple boards. I wish they would have made this more "known," like they had the gift card pets so it didn't seem like such a rumor. I wasn't sure I believed it to be true until I saw one person with one myself...lol.

They actually sent email notifications about the ice elf pet and how to get it

Apr 16, 2009
I received an email announcing it earlier today, so not very secrety. I didn't know I could get it by buying myself the gc though, thanks!

Jul 04, 2009
I also received the email. It stated that if I purchase a gift certificate for someone that I will receive the Ice Elf.


Want to spread your love of Wizard101 to family and friends this holiday season? Giving the gift of Wizard101 just got easier and a lot more exciting. When you purchase a Wizard101 gift certificate online not only do you receive the unique Ice Elf pet, but you also receive an EXCLUSIVE Ice Elf spell that players have never been able to cast before!

I purchased a gift certificate of crowns for a friend who is already a member for her birthday. Sent her the email with her redeemable code. Not only did she get the crowns, she also got the Ice Elf.

Initially, I didn't think anything about that and waited for an email on how I could redeem my Ice Elf. I never recieved anything. So I thought I could use the same code to receive my Ice Elf. Didn't work.

So how do I go about getting my Ice Elf. Notice I quote the email. It says you purchase a gift certificate and you receive the unique Ice Elf.

Oct 09, 2008
I also thopught that I would get the Ice Elf pet when I bought the gift certificate for others. The email certainly read that way. Very disappointing.

Aug 12, 2009
AlicornsPrayer wrote:
oceandaydreamer wrote:
I am wondering how anyone even knew about this as I didn't see it posted anywhere here about getting the Elf with these, I only have heard people mention it on a couple boards. I wish they would have made this more "known," like they had the gift card pets so it didn't seem like such a rumor. I wasn't sure I believed it to be true until I saw one person with one myself...lol.

Hubby and I both got e-mails from KI informing us about them. So it's safe to assume that KI sent out e-mails to most subscribers as well.

Well, funny thing is I didn't get the email until AFTER I bought the gift certificate. The only email I received prior to that was one about gift cards and it did not mention certificates or getting the Ice Elf from them. It would be nice if they sent the emails all at the same time.

May 29, 2009
Preacher7719 wrote:
I also received the email. It stated that if I purchase a gift certificate for someone that I will receive the Ice Elf.


Want to spread your love of Wizard101 to family and friends this holiday season? Giving the gift of Wizard101 just got easier and a lot more exciting. When you purchase a Wizard101 gift certificate online not only do you receive the unique Ice Elf pet, but you also receive an EXCLUSIVE Ice Elf spell that players have never been able to cast before!

I purchased a gift certificate of crowns for a friend who is already a member for her birthday. Sent her the email with her redeemable code. Not only did she get the crowns, she also got the Ice Elf.

Initially, I didn't think anything about that and waited for an email on how I could redeem my Ice Elf. I never recieved anything. So I thought I could use the same code to receive my Ice Elf. Didn't work.

So how do I go about getting my Ice Elf. Notice I quote the email. It says you purchase a gift certificate and you receive the unique Ice Elf.

I, too, purchased a gift certificate. Will the accounts that purchased the certificates be receiving the ice elf pets? That was the interpretation of the e-mail that was received. I was under the impression that it might be a two way gift like the friend code. When they buy crowns or make a purchase the friend also gets the extra 1250 crowns. Sort of along those lines.

Can a moderator please respond to these requests to clear up the confusion?

Sorry for the confusion, young Wizards. The Gift Certificates work just like the Gift Cards, the person who redeems the Gift, receives the pet.
