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Vampires on Wizard 101

Mar 24, 2009
Okay, so i've been hearing these things about vampires on W101. No, not the spell. People actually being vampires. So what IS going on? I mean, they dress in black and red, have masks on, and have the most pale skin you can get. They tell you not to teleport because they're hunting and they're constantly saying things like " You suck " and " That sucks leeches ". Is there a secret best left untold, or do we want to know the mystery behind this?

Dont get me started on how you can say sucks and leeches in text chat. I'm open chat.

Jun 16, 2009
How about you head on over to Club Penguin, everyone there is either a wolf, a vampire, a rare "shadow wolf", a robber, or even a baby.
From my experience with some other games, some of the players like to pretend they are different things like wolves. I'm pretty sure KI hasn't put a button into the game called "Turn into a vampire"
Those people can let their imagination go wild from vampires, to dogs, to cheese, they are having their own way of fun.

Dec 21, 2008