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can someone list the major spells that are

Nov 15, 2009
can someone list the major spells for each element that are not found in ravenwood, wizard city?

especially the balance, and death spells above lvl 16 that you can't get in wizard city from the ravenwood teachers, and also for each other classes that have major spells that you can't get in ravenwood, wizard city.

Jun 16, 2009
What do you mean by "major spells"?
Do you mean Rank 7 spells?
Here are the rank 7 spells:

Fire - Fire dragon
Ice - Frost Giant
Storm - Storm Lord
Life - Rebirth
Death - Scarecrow
Myth - Orthrus (I'm not sure if I'm spelling this right)
Balance - Power Nova

Nov 15, 2009
what are the lvl 22, lvl 26, lvl 33, and lvl 42 spells for balance, and death? and what other spells do the different classes get that aren't taught by the teachers in ravenwood?

i'm asking this to help me plan how to build my lvl 17 ice/balance wizard.

Aug 18, 2009
what you are asking for looks to be a rather extensive list, pleas try this sight.


it has a comprehensive list of spells that can be sorted by school and includes where and how the spell is acquired.

Nov 15, 2009
i found the death spells, but not the lvl 26,33, 42 balance spells.

another question: is the stun all enemies spell from fire, and the ice absorb next stun spell, a spell that you have to buy each time you use it?

Nov 15, 2009
k, thanks for the website link. it told me what i wanted to know.

Mar 01, 2009
Psywarrior2450 wrote:
i found the death spells, but not the lvl 26,33, 42 balance spells.

another question: is the stun all enemies spell from fire, and the ice absorb next stun spell, a spell that you have to buy each time you use it?

the stun all enemies for fire is a fire only spell so if your not fire youll have to buy it
the stun block is a card you can learn in the commons at the minigame place from that girl that gives you 80%shields idk if you need a training point to learn it