I have a question, if you play the game buy purchasing crowns for each area, are those unlocked areas open forever on that account? Or do you have to purchase these areas each month like with a sibscription? Also, if you were to go that route instead of subscribing, how many crowns would you need to unlock the entire game, all worlds that are available now? I would assume that it would be close to the yearly amount you would pay, say, if you bought a years subscription but I could be wrong. Just curious about which would be better as far as spending money. I am currently a subscribing member with my son on a family account but was trying to figure out what would cost the least in the long run.
If you buy an area with Crowns, you own access to that area for all characters on that account login FOREVER. You never need to repurchase an area for a different character on that account login.
The price in Crowns for all the worlds and areas is Wizard City: 3 000 Krokotopia: 11 895 Marleybone: 12 000 MooShu: 12 000 Dragonspyre:10 800 Grizzleheim: 9 975 Grand Total: 59 669
Of you purchase a block of 60000 Crowns for $80 you can afford to purchase permanent access to all the worlds of the Spiral. This is the same as the regular yearly subscription price.
Paying on a pay as you go basis is great for players who progress at a slower pace, as it allows you to buy only the next area that you need, without worrying about getting your money's worth in play time for the price of your monthly subscription.
Now that we have the ability for players to transfer Crowns between members of a Family of Accounts, you can control when Crowns are transferred into your child's account, and therefore ensure that they are being spent wisely. Many parents use this feature as a reward system, to allow them to allocate Crowns to their child's account when the child has earned them.
I hope that answers your question, but if you have more, do let us know. You can also alternatively reach us at community@wizard101.com.