ok,one time I went to the bazaar and looked in the robes.there was a howling raiment there,which gives you more health,more power,and the banshee card!I also found a footgear of malediction,which is awesome.But the crown items cost about 8,000 gold,so save up your money
Up to the end of Krokotopia I used crown gear for my noobs, then at the start of Marleybone the health that the crown geear gives you isn't enough so I changed to school gear...ex: Balance School Only gear.
Usually does good by having good resistence as a noob o.O
Then if you want to pay real money, get the better gear from Zeke later on in your levels (:
you have to remember this... the bazaar has items that others have sold. Sometimes there is only ONE of these items.. when its gone, you have to wait for someone else to sell one.
check the # next to the item. that is the count that is in stock.
I have been checking out the bazaar and the other shops for Crown Items, ... ever since I discovered the updates. Been offline for sometime.
But I can't find anything Crown-related.
Are Crown Items in the regular shops super-rare or something. Or should I be looking in specific stores for something?
8) All Crown Gear is now in its correct Shop, but now can not be bought with Gold. They removed all Crown Gear from the Bazaar a while back, and made all of it "No Auction", meaning you can't sell it to the Bazaar.
YW ....
Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 44, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow") 8)