For some odd reason i have now started seeing Flamezilla pets. i havent seen them before and i just now saw 3 today. Where do you get them from, is it from a beta or something :|
Hello. I'm Alex SkyRider. I have the Flamezilla pet. It's AWESOME! The pet gives you a firezilla card that takes only 4 pips and is almost as strong as Stormzilla. Now level 40 and up players ask me to be there friend. I'm only level 36! But every time I get in a battle all my friends want me to use it. It's worth every penney you use to buy it.
Add me to your friend list. Alex SkyRider level: 36 type: Necromancer pet: Flamezilla
Hey I have been seeing many Flamezilla's around wizard101 too. But whenever I ask someone, this actually really doesnt have anything to do with Flamezilla but its about special pets, everyone always says 'I got it from a battle' then i ask them what battle and they say 'Not sure' or 'Dont remember'. Does anyone know where you get the sunbird pet at or i think its called firewing. Please someone help me! But I do know you get it in Mooshu. :?
This question is for admins. Why is it a 4 pip spell? it makes me mad that its over powered AND what about the people that live in Europe and cant get these pets. Firezilla is 2 pips less than helephant and does MORE damage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.( and the pet gives you a free 60 mana!) Just make it a 5 or even 6 pip spell ( it will still be stronger than helephant).
Um, the pet comes free with a gift card. A gift card that costs $20 of real money not in game gold. The pets are an incentive to buy the gift card. Anyone with access (or knows someone with access) to Best Buy and 20 US Dollars can buy one. So, you are free to get your own Flamezilla pet.
For those outside of the US, maybe you can find one on Ebay or Amazon or some place like that. I understand the frustration of not being able to get one. There's lots of things I want from other countries that are hard to get here. Violet Crumble bars come to mind. ;) Yum.
But yes i am not happy about this card it is boot leg if they want a little T-rex then they can make a storm person its just so....CHEAP; UNORIGINAL.
Can't they just come up with new cards/pets instead of just taking all the same ones and making them a different color and school.
if any one should feel riped off it should be the ice wizards, as of now there are 4 collosus pets.
ice collosus magma walker earth walker rain collosus
so the storm wizards have no right to complain about the flamezilla being a rip off of stormzilla
also.... are there two different versions of the flamezilla pet bc my friend recently purchesed one, except the flamezilla pet came with a fire elf card
Hey I have been seeing many Flamezilla's around wizard101 too. But whenever I ask someone, this actually really doesnt have anything to do with Flamezilla but its about special pets, everyone always says 'I got it from a battle' then i ask them what battle and they say 'Not sure' or 'Dont remember'. Does anyone know where you get the sunbird pet at or i think its called firewing. Please someone help me! But I do know you get it in Mooshu. :?
the firewing pet (No card) drops in mooshu at the ancient burial grounds from ember everburn
But yes i am not happy about this card it is boot leg if they want a little T-rex then they can make a storm person its just so....CHEAP; UNORIGINAL.
Can't they just come up with new cards/pets instead of just taking all the same ones and making them a different color and school.
You need to remember the trouble it takes to make a new creature. The coding and testing involved not to mention the time for the Developers and Coders to design it. And they just got done building, testing, fixing Grizzleheim for us to play in. Give them time to make new creatures.
I have a Fire, Storm, and Ice Wizards and would love to find the Fire Snake, Storm Snake, Fire Bat, and Ice Bat for my Wizards. but I also look forward to seeing what new pets are to come later as the game grows.
New pets/cards are things better saved for big updates, like new worlds. Besides, people have been wanting these alternate spell forms for a while since the baddies cast these a lot.
Otys, firezilla does not take anything away from storm school; they still have stronger spells and firezilla can only be used once in a duel where as stormzilla can be cast multiple times. Storm is still the hardest hitting school, and it'll take a lot more than an alternate school stormzilla, with less pip cost, to match storm's power (remember wild bolt).
i kinda agree agree with Valkoor and i kinda don'y your right it does take more then a firezilla to take out a storm but what if it belongs to a fire student now they have a move stronger then helephant they can power it up fire blades elemental blades etc and now you have a super strong firezilla that only cost them 4 pips
i actually dont understand how there is a four pip, any-level spell, stronger than a level forty two helephant. especially in the hands of a fire wiz. though it cant be used more than once, its still kinda unfair that any level now has a fire- stormzilla in their decks while we level up to get a spell as powerful. what was KI thinking? it costs less pips and is stronger than helephant, plus the mana boost. I wonder what it will be like in pvp now, when the lower levels are fighting, its like treasure cards all over again.
:( its just not fair to work hard to earn the elephant wile other wizards just buy the card and it has more attack then the elephant it. i am not saying it should be removed what i'm saying is that other people just buy it wile we the pyromancers have to work hard to get the elephant they need to lower the attack or either with more pips :(
:( its just not fair to work hard to earn the elephant wile other wizards just buy the card and it has more attack then the elephant it. i am not saying it should be removed what i'm saying is that other people just buy it wile we the pyromancers have to work hard to get the elephant they need to lower the attack or either with more pips :(
Or you can break down and buy one yourself!
It has to be purchased and you earned helephant, this means you get serveral cards to use helephant and they get one chance. Its not like that is unbalanced.
If they got like several cards i can see you complaint but come on! I don't even have that pet and it made little difference to me when i fought someone in pvp that did.
Mutates are awesome! I was so thrilled the first time I got attacked by an Iceshark!!! Had my finger over the Prt Scr key the next time I saw one coming! [Note to KI Firebat artist: too much smoke; can't see bats! :(] Now I look forward to every high level battle: I hope I'll get hit with an Icezilla!!! [Note to KI mutate treasure card people: I'm dying for Icecat, Iceelf, ICEBAT!, Iceshark, Icezilla ... and fingers crossed turning blue holding breath ... Icedragon! :D]
4 pip, hard-hitting spells: I'm sure KI actually wanted the wizards who bought the pet to actually want to cast its spell; hence: they didn't want six out of seven schools to have to save up pips for six rounds to use Firezilla. As it is now it takes four rounds to save up pips for it, whereas only three rounds with power pips to save up for a 6 pip spell in a wizard's primary school, such as Helephant.
Firezilla spell is only 70% accurate, whereas typical fire spells are 75%.
Firezilla pet versus anything any wizard trains in: 1 spell versus anywhere from 3 to 7 spells!
Get over it, be proud of your school, have fun, and let us enjoy this ultra cute pet in peace!