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World Order

Apr 30, 2020
Alright so the problem is that everyone around me in Marleybone are way higher level than I am. I went straight from Krokotopia to Marleybone instead of completing Wintertusk and Grizzleheim simply because I forgot. How should I approach this world order and I’m kinda worried that my leveling will be messed up now.

Jul 29, 2012
How you choose to level is completely up to you. Some people enjoy completing the side worlds in the order they are introduced, but that is hardly the case for everyone. I did not complete Grizzleheim until I was finished with Marleybone (and maybe Mooshu, now that I think about it). The only thing this determines is what challenge level you may have as you complete certain quests. Some battles in Marleybone may be a little harder for you without the extra leveling, but it is still entirely possible to complete Marleybone first. One option would be to simply work on Marleybone until you run against a super hard battle, in which case you could spend some time in Grizzleheim to get some extra help. Oh, and no worries about Wintertusk - it is actually very difficult for people only at level 40 (I waited until much later, so it was a breeze).
If you are ever in doubt, remember that each world actually has a minimal level cap that people must attain before entering. So if you have access to a new world, KingsIsle already thinks you are strong enough to handle it without major problems. Ultimately, leveling in a specific order is was less of a big deal than some people claim it to be - just work on whichever world you want and have fun!

Morgan DragonRiver 130

Jan 16, 2010
Morgan's right. Your world order's completely up to you.

I usually do the main Wizard City Quests (Unicorn, Firecat, Triton, Cyclops), Colossus, Crab Alley, Krokotopia, and then Marleybone. I fit Wisteria in there somewhere, usually between Krokotopia and Marleybone. Sometimes I do Grizzleheim when the quest comes, sometimes (like on my current character), I ignore it. I've never done Wintertusk and I've gotten all the way to Dragonspyre before on characters. It just depends on which worlds you want to focus on.

I know some people who just do the main quest and ignore the side quests - personally I'm a side quest girl, but Grizzleheim is a bit of an anomaly - when I do Grizzleheim, I do it until I get the Jotun quest and then I stop because I'm not usually high enough level to solo it and I primarily solo PvE. But it is completely up to you.