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Why do the Instances take so long?

Dec 13, 2008
I think that counterweight east and west should be shorter. And so should katzenstiens lab. They are all too long!

Sep 11, 2008
You though Katz was long? Well not for me, but the Counterweight east and west do take long. I think I tried it with my friend for his quests and now I am trying to find some help to do Counterweight east and west and probably Big Ben.

Destiny Mist Fist
Destiny MistGem
lvl 35

Dec 02, 2008
Katzenstein's Lab is three battles, or four if you do Smogger. That's not very long.

I do agree that the counterweights and Big Ben should be split into multiple instances so that you don't have to do the whole thing at once.

Dec 11, 2008
I did counterweight east with 2 friends - at the time I was level 36 myth, they were both level 31 (death and storm). It took nearly 3 hours.

I came back a couple days later after I reached level 37 with just one friend (level40 balance) and we did counterweight west and big ben back to back in just over 2 hours).

So, having someone a little higher level helped, but I think the main reason it went faster was that there was only 2 of us and therefore less enemies to fight in each room.

I have helped people with Sunken City several times and have noticed that ti much quicker to do it with just 2 people. I did it once with 4 and will never do it again that way.

Feb 07, 2009
I totally agree man. I tried to do Counter Weight West at 4:00 with a strong and smart lvl 10-15 wizard and now, at 6:24, we didn't even finish. Same thing for Counter Weight East. I did it with a lvl 32 balance wizard and it took the sam amount of time! They should completely take out the counter weight lever part AND decrease the number of enemies we have to fight. In Counter Weight East, There was NO enemies on the fourth floor. Why do the exact opposite on Counter Weight West?!? I noticed there are three enemies on the third and fourth floor on Counter Weight West. Yes, I do agree KI should shorten or even REMOVE these instances.

Mar 02, 2009
:x I couldn't agree more. I hate having to commit 2 hours of my time to a level, and not being able to stop and answer the phone or do something else during that time. I just made it to the very end of Counterweight West and lost my final duel because I ran out of cards in my deck and couldn't finish off Potbelly!! Now I have to do the whole thing over again. Also, I like fighting solo and don't want to have to team up with someone. Plus I have no other active quests so it's this or nothing until I finish up Big Ben. I'm sick of this!

Sep 20, 2008
wizardmaster369 wrote:
I think that counterweight east and west should be shorter. And so should katzenstiens lab. They are all too long!

"Kat's Lab" wasn't hard, since I'm Death using Life as my second-school. But I completely agree about the issue with East and West, and personally, Big Ben itself which is way harder than either of its counterweights. I've got a Myth Wizard who's essentially stuck in eternal Park Mode since both Counterweight Instances are inherently hostile to Myth. I only got through them using my Death Wizard because their deck is pure Life-Drain with extra healing from Life Magic.

Seriously, KingsIsle ... Examine the difficulty factors a bit more closely?

Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 40, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")
Danial DragonSinger (Myth 34, Dragon Pet, "Zeus")

Sep 20, 2008
My Myth Wizard could not survive Counter-West (death by Life-Loss here, not card loss) even with Crown Gear and a full 4-Pip Cyclops Minion on his side.

Now ... I'm no rocket scientist .... but even I can see there is something wrong when a Myth Wizard looses AFTER his biggest Minion has hit the field .... !

Danial DragonSinger (Myth 34, Dragon Pet, "Zeus")

Mar 02, 2009
Just to add, I went back and survived Counterweight West & East solo, and made it all the way to the end of Big Ben only to get clobbered in the final duel...three hours later! Another frustration I have is that what is supposed to take 1 and 1/2 hours takes an hour longer for me because each duel is longer because of all the healing spells.

Apr 22, 2009
I didn't think they were too long. I went through Counterweight East, West and Big Ben in one night with three other wizards all around the same level (not sure which level that was now). Granted, this was at night when we all had the time to devote to doing all of them.

The thing is, as you move on the Instances and Dungeons get longer and harder with the enemies gaining more life. Now that I am in DS, I go back to Marley sometimes just to have some fun because DS is HARD. (And Marley was my least favorite world as far as getting pulled into battles goes- took FOREVER to figure out to stay in the CENTER not the EDGE, lol)

But to each his own. Have fun and good luck to all!

Sarai Dragonstone
Lvl 46 Ice/Storm

Mar 16, 2009
NeoStar wrote:
My Myth Wizard could not survive Counter-West (death by Life-Loss here, not card loss) even with Crown Gear and a full 4-Pip Cyclops Minion on his side.


Hi. I have a myth wizard, too, and I was able to solo the counterweights and Big Ben. It was hard, and it wasn't pretty at times, but I made it. Now, I will never claim to be an expert in the game, but I can share my strategy. In one simple word- Froggy!!! The Bullfrog got me through Marley and a good part of Mooshoo. He hasn't been much help in Dragonspyre, but that's another story. My deck had bullfrogs, myth blades, spirit blade cards (the one from Niles the tree), shield cards, and pixies. I might have had one cyclops and minotaur in there, but that was pretty much it. Skip the minion here, until you get to the boss fights. He IS useful in those. If you don't want to use the spirit blade, you could always use the myth traps, but I preferred the blade.

If you are fighting myth enemies, then you can skip the spirit blade, and use the prisms instead. Make sure you have a storm wand in case they put up storm shields before you get up the prism. If they put it up afterwards, it won't affect your attack.

The general school of thought is to take one enemy down as quickly as you can, and that is generally good advice in most situations. Its what I do with my ice and death wizards and what I now do in DS with my myth wizard. But in this case, the time it takes you to buff one cyclops, cast it, and then repeat for a second cyclops...Trust me, the frog is better. The frog and cyclops do the EXACT same damage, but for one extra pip, you can take down both enemies.

Also, I bought a bunch of tough cards from the library and always attatched one to the frog before I cast. If everything goes acording to plan, you should wipe them both out in a few turns, especially if you get lucky with power pips and avoiding weakness.

Something else to consider if you try to solo this- Going first is a HUGE help. So, if you enter and go second in the fight, I would say leave (log out) and try re-entering.

Also, take advantage of the floors that have the red wisps that restore health. Return to those floors if you must. And, unless they changed the game, if you are defeated or need to leave for more potion, you can always return to the point where you left.

I really hope this helps. I know it can be frustrating looking for the right strategy. I haven't played much with my fire wizard much since she started Krokotopia for that very reason.

Jun 23, 2009
katz's lab was ok, its just repetetive that you have to dodge those running clockwerk things. it gets good at the end, its only potbellies and those mechanically armored spiders.

the counterweight however, they NEED TO GO.

either cut them in half, or take away one of them.

doing both counterweights took me 5 hours, that's not right. not to mention i was with 3 friends, 1 of which was a grandmaster.