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when will hyde park work 4 players

May 02, 2009
would like to no when the hyde park graphics problem will be fixed. i upgraded my memory, but that did not help. my pc lags whenever i am in hyde park all over especially between conrail and fountain. also it lags in all of grizzleheim.
i would like to know why there is lag in hyde park in marleybone and entirely in grizzleheim. my pc does not lag in any other world or place just trying to get passed hyde park to get to the other worlds is a pain.

can someone answer this ? for me and all other players? it has been over a year and still no answer or no fix

We have the tech support you need, but we need more information from you, young Wizard!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding game or account matters, please send an email to: support@wizard101.com. Please include your account username, a description of the problem you are having and a DxDiag.

A DxDiag is a utility designed to display the specifications of the user's hardware, as well as to test DirectX software, including sound and video. If you are asked for this information in an email, it helps the support group relate your gaming issue to your personal computer.

To create a dxdiag.txt just go to Start -> Run (or Search in Vista) and enter dxdiag and click OK. Once the program has run it's course, click "Save all Information" and it will output a txt file that you can attach to your email.

May 02, 2009
yeah i have did that through out 2009 May,June July, August, September, i have sent several dx diags and did all suggestions but to no avail. although you may not have gotten the diags since my pc cannot send them via email (too big) and i do not have the zip software to send them although i did try.it lags in hyde park alone in marley bone specifically from conrail to the fountain area and some sections beyond that. it also does it almost everywhere in grizzlheim except maybe the virigid roughlands with the brothers. i have asked for tech assistance 23 times, but still got no answer. just wanna know why hyde park or most grizzleheim will not work on my pc when the other worlds and areas do.