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Too low level?

Feb 23, 2013
Im at lvl 21 on my ice wizard and just finished krok getting me into marlybone but i feel like im so backward on my life i got grizzleheim then wysteria then did marlybone so im just lost lol

Jan 16, 2010
If you haven't done the side quests yet, I would highly recommend going back and doing them. There are parts of Marleybone (and I'm speaking from experience, having taken a Life through here before), which are going to be agonizingly hard (I'm specifically thinking of Big Ben here) unless you have a few higher level spells to help out such as one of the Pack dropped spells or unless you have a steady supply of treasure cards that are designed to hit multiple opponents at once.

Also make sure you've done places like Colossus Boulevard and Crab Alley in addition to Wysteria and Grizzleheim. They can give you some good experience, and Crab Alley's a great place to get ingredients for crafting.

My recommendation to do the side quests is mostly because at level 21 you don't even have Seraph yet, which is going to be one of your mainstay hit spells until you can get Centaur at level 33. And then your next attack spell after that is going to be Forest Lord at level 58. Now if you do go the pack route, I recommend trying to get Ratatoskr's Spin from the Grizzleheim Lore Pack. That's what I went through Marleybone on and it was enormously helpful. Without it, it would have been very painful to solo. Assuming you are soloing - you didn't specify. Even with a group though, it would depend on the role you're playing. If you're support/healing, it might be doable - but someone else is going to have to comment on that as I primarily solo PvE on all of my characters.

Jan 18, 2010
Persons usually get to Marleybone at around level 24-25.

Did you do side quests? If not, then that is probably why your level is so low.

You can do Grizzleheim (though the earlier aspects will have relatively low XP Gain), for levels, or return to Krok and do the sides there.

Regardless, I still recommend doing Grizzleheim as this world will potentially lead to new spells, pets etc.