What is one thing about Marleybone that you like the least?
What is one thing about Marleybone that you like the least? Too dark 5% Too repetitive 7% Too hard to navigate without getting pulled into a duel 58% Too difficult 7% Too easy 4% Too spread out 4% Other - reply in post 14%
What is one thing about Marleybone that you like the least?
Well I have a couple..
1. Too hard to navigate without being caught in a fight, very very annoying especially when you are heading far and you are almost there and you get caught in a fight.
2. Its a bit confusing, a lot of times i lose where the story quests go to and get mixed up into the many many many side quests, it makes MB twice as long.
3. The back and forth quests.. Like you get a quest and you have to travel all over the place going back and forth and traveling all around, it tons of travel and involves number 1.
These are some of the flaws i find in MB, otherwise I luv it for the clothes and scenery.
my biggest complaint about MB is that you guys did such a good job with all the graphics that every time i go there my computer lags SOOOOO bad. it just seems like it take FOREVER to load here. and when i got to any of the areas, its just as bad.
Haha, well, I had trouble picking one, because MB is my favorite world. I love the darkness and everything about it, even the difficulty level. But I finally thought hard about how I felt when I was doing that world, and I always hated how the monsters would drag you in. I know from reading countless other posts that many feel the same way. But I would think that the teleporters would help with that. Anyway, MB is a marvelous world, just like all the others! Keep it up, KI!
I think it might be nice to have one of the houses in Regent's Square be set aside for those who want to find others to tackle goals. Say, a room where those who want to go after Katz's lab can gather, etc.
I voted other because it is too much back and forth. You can't even go to one of the areas without getting a ticket from Tracy and that takes up space in the quest log book until you use it. Having to run errands and go back and forth several times (for Wellington, Sherlock, Abigail Doolittle) to meet several people who aren't in the same area is tedious.
my biggest pet peeve about MB was all the back and forth traveling. but with the addition of the teleporters(which help alot) and the mounts that you can transfer between your chars( so you only need to buy one) it has made the worste part of that world bearable. the next thing that i have some issue with is that since you moved the monsters closer to the middle it makes it a little more difficult transvering between the roof tops because you come close to the monsters doing the same and i have been caught serveal times already on my wizatd that i just got there.
i agree with you! but i think its too dark and gloomy. sort of like a bit depressing. when i played marleybone, i dreaded and still do every area. its so dark and gloomy. if anything, you should make MB different from the other worlds, by making the world be able to actually change from day to night!
I agree with the previous poster who said it was a hassle to have to always get a ticket to go to Hyde Park and Chelsea Court. I used to think it was hard to get around without getting pulled into battle, but by the time I was finishing, I had learned the enemies patterns and it was not that difficult anymore. The sameness of all the rooftops is kind of confusing. Kensington Park just made me so mad with it's impossibility that I have not been back inside it after dying five times.
Perhaps a character like Diego (or that Reginald Baxby) could greet newcomers and give them a short tutorial about the different enemies they will meet and how to deal with them, like the different speeds they run and their patterns, in addition to explaining the different ways to get around.
Haha, well, I had trouble picking one, because MB is my favorite world. I love the darkness and everything about it, even the difficulty level. But I finally thought hard about how I felt when I was doing that world, and I always hated how the monsters would drag you in. I know from reading countless other posts that many feel the same way. But I would think that the teleporters would help with that. Anyway, MB is a marvelous world, just like all the others! Keep it up, KI!
well what i find happens is that i get pulled into a battle the moment i get on to the roof with the first bandit/cat/mouse things on it and when i try to get on the planks to slide by them it pulls me in so i cant reach the teleporters witout going into a duel! i also hate it when you are rounding a corner and a monster comes up over the planks and windows(the things that let you go from roof to roof) and pulls you into a match! but aside from those, Kingsisle, you did one AMAZING job on marlybone, krokotopia, EVERYTHING!! I am an addict fan to the game and every day i get home from school at about 2:35 and i get a dixie cup of water and im on wizard 101, ONLY getting off for about ten minutes to do homework and i DO still get good exercise and i am not a total couch potatoe, no not one at all! im AD-HD so im super hyper. My point is that i am A TOTAL ADDICT FAN TO THE GAME!!!!!! GO WIZARD 101!!!!!!!!!!
Oran ghost river, level 27 nearing 28, fast.
Ps- i want to go to mooshu SO MUCH!!!!!!! i bought and amulet from the jade oni that gives me hydra, but its not useable till LvL 35! anyone know of any good Exp giving quests for hyde park, marlybone? thanks!!
The dungeons in Marleybone has one of the hardest dungeons, not counting dragonspyre ones. Especially katzensteins lab, the clockowrks continue to frusturate players. And most of the times i get caught in battles when ever navigating the roofs of MB
Here is the issue. I have great computer. A fast computer. with an outstanding grafix card. Marleybone? WAYYY to much grafixs. It look great. it really does. and you have plenty of time to look at everything when it slows your computer down to a stand still for 5 to 10 minutes.
Personally, i would eliminate some of the grafixs. too hard to navigate when everything is pausing every so many steps. I know many people that i've gotten to join this game, and they all agree that MB just causes problems when it comes to getting anywhere in this world.
i think that world is to boring. its the same stuff over and over.some people even skip that world because they think its so boring. and where is the movitavion? i think we need to update this world alot to make it better. p.s. its way to long!
I liked the difficulty, including how tough it is to get past creatures on rooftops, but I found running the countless social errands to be repetitive and boring. I barely listened to them... just set the quest helper and went back and forth, back and forth. Rather than the characters adding meaning and value to the story, it was just tedious labour.
um. it would be cool if the dogs and cats weren't always in the dark. maybe give the dogs and cats of MB some vitamin D every so often. I also think it would be good to make two more types of houses for MB as I think would be great for the other worlds too. I think you do have one dungeon that is way too long and way to aggrevating and that is the fourth ticket that tracey gives out for kingston. It is way too long and very, very greivious. It takes far too long and some people give up cause of how long it takes. 8) hopes this helps and I do think that some spots have way too aggressive bad guys to fight.
I like Marleybone and the imagery of the region. The outfits are very neat and add to the multi-world aspect and feel of the over all game. The improvements the area needed most have been addressed for the most part. The only thing I would like to see would the ability to farm some of the bosses on a more time efficient basis.
I totally agree. I dont like that the monsters can travel to the middle now and then the get really close to the ramps to so now it's gonna make it even longer to complete MB because we gotta wait for the monsters to get by so we dont get caught and I already think MB is the longest world and now its gonna be even longer.
It's not exactly a pet peeve, but I think one of the hardest quests in all of Wizard101 is KENSINGTON! I've just left it and come back when my wizards are Grands!
There are no sidewalks so I get caught up by gearheads and o'learys. Just when I need to talk to someone I gotta get up to 10 battles first even more in dungeons like the dreaded Katzentien's Lab.
The balloon cars do drive me a bit nuts, having to go back and forth between different streets always involves going back to Digmore and stopping to pick up yet another ticket quest. And it is really easy to lose track of the main storyline amid all the side quests sending you every which direction over frivolous stuff like lost jackets and purses and delivering party invitations.
I also find it harder to navigate the rooftops now than it was before the last update rerouted all the baddies, especially at full speed on horseback. I've always had lag issues in MB, my older computer can't always keep up with the animations so I can't turn as quickly as I need to. A few times I've had to dismount and walk to make those sharp corners. It took awhile to learn the old down-the-middle paths but they really helped me learn how to dodge street enemies for more wide-open areas like the Cave of Solitude and Ravenscar.