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Scrap Iron

May 31, 2009
I just found a perfect place to find scrap iron! First, go to newgate prison and use the paw teleport or just run to where the o'leary brutes ( i think that's what they're called. ) are and go to either the platform or tower you'll find scrap iron or mist wood. Then go to the realms thing and sort the realms by population. Then go to the most quiet realm and then just start running back and forth between the platform and tower you should find either: a wooden, silver, or golden chest , mist wood , and scrap iron. Then when your sure you got all the reagents in that part teleport to the next realm. I've gotten over 40 scrap iron in a hour from doing this!
I hope i helped! :-D

Jun 13, 2010
noveggies wrote:
I just found a perfect place to find scrap iron! First, go to newgate prison and use the paw teleport or just run to where the o'leary brutes ( i think that's what they're called. ) are and go to either the platform or tower you'll find scrap iron or mist wood. Then go to the realms thing and sort the realms by population. Then go to the most quiet realm and then just start running back and forth between the platform and tower you should find either: a wooden, silver, or golden chest , mist wood , and scrap iron. Then when your sure you got all the reagents in that part teleport to the next realm. I've gotten over 40 scrap iron in a hour from doing this!
I hope i helped! :D

this works in most zones and equally as well.