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pvp, groups, friends, fire, and fun

Feb 22, 2012
For this game does it bother anyone else that they don't really give you a lot of options when it comes to actually talking to someone? :| and that in the text chat some words are just perfectly fine, but they don't let us use them?
I've been on this game for a while it seems like, but not as long as a lot of high ranking wizards, but sometimes I don't see why they don't really let us become friends with anyone outside of the game. I've met a few people on here, that i would like to talk to out of this, but its nearly impossible to even talk on here to get our group partnerships to go well. Anywho, if anyone ever needs some help with anything, you can always friend me, my name on the game is Scarlet Deathwhisper, I believe I'm a level 35, and I am fire school :)
have a good day <3