I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
Just ignore them they are being prejiduce against storm and you have EVERY right to be storm or use storm moves. Someone like that went like NO SUMMONING MINIONS! But what did i do? You guessed it, I summoned a minion So dont listen to them
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
If it was against a storm monster this is very obvious. They resist storm's attacks so of course the ppl battling want to get it done fast without having to worry about changing it to a myth spell and what-not. If it wasnt, they are being jerks.
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
Its OK there just being idiots! Just say whatever school they are and say "NO FIRE" if there fire and they'll be like
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
Its OK there just being idiots! Just say whatever school they are and say "NO FIRE" if there fire and they'll be like
I bet you a few people i've dueled with have said NO LIFE but Idk that they are saying it cause I don't have text chat but if they are saying NO LIFE and they are a life I would say well your a life so GO AWAY!!!
ah just let it go take this from the view of a storm wizard himself. pretend you didnt hear them and just move on. Every school has its own strength and weaknesses, and the majority of the players are in their true school, such as me in storm.
Like five hundred times a guy says "NO HEALING ALLOWED OR I'LL REPORT YOU!" Guess what I said: "OOH! I'M GONNA HEAL! YOUR NOT THE BOSS!!!" And he fled! LOL! Its a good tactic if you're a grand life lol
Matthew SpriteFriend, LVL 37 Thergiust, Out. :) :) :D :-o
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
Its OK there just being idiots! Just say whatever school they are and say "NO FIRE" if there fire and they'll be like
I bet you a few people i've dueled with have said NO LIFE but Idk that they are saying it cause I don't have text chat but if they are saying NO LIFE and they are a life I would say well your a life so GO AWAY!!!
I'd ignore them,if someone said NO STORM, they'ed probably lose. Storm is the most powerful school. If someone said NO LIFE,you'd also be in trouble. Life mainly heals. So just ignore them!
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
just ignore em like in pvp people say NO MORE HEALING DEAL NOOB? I Said Well Your Not Being Very Fair and they called me noob i said Whats The Big Idea Mr.? And They Fled don't listen to people who are mean and call names just think happy thoughts insteed of people who call names act like it never happened to you before After I Got bored from pvp i stoped dueling like for ever. The Big deal is if you think About This all the time you will be sad all the time Yours Truly, Destiny Lifeblossom Level 37 8) :D
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
I only have Wizard City, Grizzleheim, and Krokotopia so how would I know? Just tell them to quit it and also tell them Storm is the strongest element. It is true. I mean like just say "This isn't your character so you can't control him/her! I can cast whatever I want!"
just ignore them. i am level 48 storm and i have been told to get out of battles because i am storm over 1,000,000,000,000,000 times. also sometimes just do exactly what they tell you not to do . trust me they are jerks who think that storm is the worst because they are jealous. i mean what school can come close to storms damage ;) before you say fire i would like to point out that their helephant takes 6 pips and our stormzilla takes 5 pips and still does more damage. so just ignore them and be glad that ur storm.
I agree with Milo10000. Storm is pretty powerful and impressive. I can say that because I'm Lvl 31 Ice and wish I'd had some of the storm spells in my deck in a few duels. Every school has it's strengths and weaknesses. You have to work them together. Jerks who call out "No Storm" or "No Ice" or any other school are just jealous because they are not. And I repeat JERKS! The best thing is to ignore them and kill the monsters on your own leaving them spell-bound and stunned at Storm's power. Show them who's more powerful! :-) :-) :-)
I wonder if they don't like storm because it has a less chance of working? Then again, you do get cards that improve the accuracy. I guess I just don't get people sometimes....sigh.....
They are being total jerks someone said to me NO DEATH ALOWWED i casted a super dark blow from my sword then the idiot fled so the other people were like
They are being total jerks someone said to me NO DEATH ALOWWED i casted a super dark blow from my sword then the idiot fled so the other people were like
Charles dragonshield , grandmaster necromancer
I think Death is very weak but tell them that Death can heal themselves with health from other players or monsters. I suggest people should be Life because. . . 1. They can heal other players. 2. Life spells don't fizzle much 3. They are useful in long battles
Storm has a low success rate and I agree not to use storm too much unless it is like Surge or and kinds of those things from a wand. Kraken has been acting like Wild Bolt for me because it only worked 10% of the time I wanted to cast it. I think you should pick schools with great success rates like Death, Balance and Life. Balance especially because Judgement could do over 1,000 damage. Death can have very strong minions. Once in Pvp I summoned a rank 6 with 1,200 health meaning I used 12 pips. This was in a tower in Dragonspyre. I go there with my friend Nicole Goldenspear. We like to joke a lot.
They are being total jerks someone said to me NO DEATH ALOWWED i casted a super dark blow from my sword then the idiot fled so the other people were like
Charles dragonshield , grandmaster necromancer
I think Death is very weak but tell them that Death can heal themselves with health from other players or monsters. I suggest people should be Life because. . . 1. They can heal other players. 2. Life spells don't fizzle much 3. They are useful in long battles
Storm has a low success rate and I agree not to use storm too much unless it is like Surge or and kinds of those things from a wand. Kraken has been acting like Wild Bolt for me because it only worked 10% of the time I wanted to cast it. I think you should pick schools with great success rates like Death, Balance and Life. Balance especially because Judgement could do over 1,000 damage. Death can have very strong minions. Once in Pvp I summoned a rank 6 with 1,200 health meaning I used 12 pips. This was in a tower in Dragonspyre. I go there with my friend Nicole Goldenspear. We like to joke a lot.
low success rate?well that happens when you dont gear my gear gives me about 20% accuracy thats 95% and then the spell that gives 10% more 105% accuarcy
I am storm and fire. Fire is pretty good at working as is storm. As for the people that are telling you to "get lost" just ignore them. They have no right to tell you what to do.
I was in Chelsea Court, Marleybone, I joined a couple of battles with other people. And the first person said, "I hope you're not storm wearing a green outfit". Then I joined a battle then both people in the battle were both saying "NO STORM!". And I casted surge from my sword then they said, "NO STORM!". Have any of you noticed this lately
Caroline Sunbright Master theurgist
Don't be offended. Maybe they met some mean storm ppl. They might actually be jealous that you have such cool spell like Kraken :) :) :)
i know this was a while ago but i saw fourmyant what he said and i was like we can be death if we want or its just how we are and i am death so i was like feeling assoulted