So I haven't got many friends irl that are interested in playing so I have to resort to this. If anyone can please add me and help me through Big Ben, that would be greatly appreciated! (I am a balance wizard at level 28) Please comment on this post if you are willing. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for replying! Since I am in Australia, I may not be able to wake up at 8 am xD Maybe if you do it a little later like 6:30 your time it would work out perfectly. But in advance, is there a way I add you now?
6:30 at my time? Sounds good, how about Wraith realm? I wear green clothes with a purple tint, and sadly, no, we cannot search people beforehand. This is because numerous people have the same name and I bet Wolf Talonflame would cause the search engine to go beserk with names.
I am very sorry about not telling you earlier, but one of my friends started playing and ended up in Marleybone fairly quickly. Thanks a lot for your help, but I have a friend who's helped me through the dungeon now.